Chapter Fifteen

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All Luke and I did yesterday was lay around, watch movies and eat. He stayed the night again, never changing out of the sweatpants. My Pa and JayJay never came home, and I'm starting to get worried. I'm currently sitting on the couch, eating cereal and watching spongebob while Luke is in the shower. I hear a door open and close, and I turn around to see a wet shirtless Luke coming over and plopping down on the couch next to me.

"Hey, you ok?" He asks, putting a hand on my back.

"No, just worried. Where are my Pa and brother?" I admit. I occasionally look over at the front door, hoping to see at least one of them walk through the door.

"It's going to be fine. Where's your mom, I bet she knows" My face goes pale. I never told him what happened to my mom.

"Uh, my mom's in the hospital because she has three tumors in her head. Brain cancer." I murmur, hoping I won't have to say it again.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up"

"It's ok, you didn't know. Hey what time is it?" I ask. I have to be in at work by 9.

"Uh, 8:40, why?"

"I have to get ready for work. I have to go take a shower" I say, getting up, but Luke grabs hold of my wrist.

"But I don't want you to leave, It's gonna be so boring!" I chuckle at his childlike behavior.

"Then come with me to work. Just don't touch anything"

"Yay!" He jumps up and down, letting go of my wrist. I take a quick shower before throwing my hair up in a ponytail and putting on some white tee shirt and overalls. I grab my converse and put them on, grabbing my phone, earbuds and sunglasses. I walk back out into the living room to see that Luke is still shirtless.

"Look, Luke, as hot as you may be without a shirt, you need to put this on." I throw him a tang top. He groans before putting it on. I smile, and grab his hand, heading out the door. We begin the short walk, me putting on my sunglasses.

"I have a tattoo idea for you" He says out of nowhere.

"And that is?"

"On your wrist, over your scars you should have an infinity sign, and fight where the lines mea, there'll be an arrow" I think about it for a second. Thats a really pretty idea. I think I might actually do that.

"I really like that idea Lucas. I think I'll actually do that." I look at him, his smile growing across his face.


"Yes Lucas. I think I might do your idea." I chuckle. "Do you have any tattoos?" I ask.


"Do you ever want a tattoo?"

"Yeah, I have an idea for one"

"Ohh, tell me, tell me!" I jump, causing him to laugh.

"Well, I wanted to have someone who I care about, and is willing to get it. It where on the inside of the persons pinkey finger it says 'CON' in cursive, and on my pinky finger, it says 'NECTED' in the same font, and when we connect our pinkeys, it spells 'CONNECTED' We would make one pinky promise that we would keep forever" He explains.

"That's an amazing idea Luke. If you find someone to do that with, I want to be the one tattooing you guys" I playfully demand.

"Of course" He chuckles as we walk into the shop. The first person I see is Tori, and I take Luke's hand and bring him over with me over to Tori.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum