Chapter Eight

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~~Jacy's P.O.V~~

I run as fast as I can to school. I have to talk to Luke about taking my notebook. There's a number of embarrassing things and pictures in there that I was planning to burn once I finished writing in the whole book. I finally make my way to the entrance. I burst through the door, and run around the corner. I stop and pick up one piece out of many papers that were on the floor. Almost every student around me looks at the paper and looks up at me, whispering and laughing. I finally look at the paper and immediately regret doing so. On the paper is my second grade year book photo. My frizzy pigtails, braces, huge glasses, missing front teeth, my head gear. What made it 10x worse is that my full name is plastered across the bottom. Everyone is pointing, whispering, laughing.

"Oh my god, she's so ugly!"

"Nice head gear"

"Still an ugly bitch"

"I would've burned you if you were my child"

"She looks like she was born in a highway. That's where most accidents happen"

"Jesus, that's a fucking ugly piece of shit"

I begin to break down, hunching over, crying. I never wanted this to happen again. She would be so disappointed in me, but right now I don't care. I can hear her screaming in my ear.

'Come on J! Stand up for yourself! Say something back, don't let them tear you down over a stupid picture!'

She never understand what it's like to not be able to fend for yourself because you're to weak. Scared. Kind. Afraid. I always was. I continue to cry, not caring what anyone thought about me, breaking down in the hallway over a stupid second grade picture. I eventually get up off the ground and run around the corner, racing to the bathroom. I bust through the door, and to my luck, it's empty. I curl up in a corner, and sob, digging my face into my knees and arms.

"Hey, are you ok?" I hear someone ask. I look up and see a girl, crouching in front of me. She has brown eyes and hair. Her skin pale, and has a cute pixie cut. She's wearing all black, and has a ton of bracelets. I sniffle and rub my eyes.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" I lie, knowing that she's not gonna believe it.

"No your not. I saw the picture"

"Everyone has" I laugh, hoping to make the situation lighter. She laughs a little too.

"Hey, it's ok. Don't think about what others think, none of this is gonna matter anyways. By the way, I'm Kriss" She stands up, holding out her hand. I grab it, and she helps me up off the floor.

"I'm Jacy. You might already know that"

"Yeah, everyone does" She laughs, me joining in.

"Hey, I'll see you later? Maybe we can hangout sometime?" I ask, washing my face.

"Yeah, I'd love that. I gotta get to class. See ya later" She waves bye before leaving. I smile, and leave the bathroom. I make my way to the exit before I hear my name being called through the loudspeakers.

"Luke Hemmings and Jacy Cass to the main office, Luke hemmings and Jacy Cass to the main office" I hear. I groan, and turn around, walking over to the main office. I walk in, and walk straight over to the front desk. The girl working there looks up at me with pity.

"You're expected in a he principal's office" She points to the door. I walk in, and see Luke already sitting there. I want to run out and run home, but the principle already knows I'm here.

I'm pretty sure my eyes are bloodshot red and puffy. My whole face is puffy due to crying, my cheeks stained with tears. I sniffle a little. I look over at Luke, and my eyes widen with fear. He bites his lip ring and looks away.

"Jacy, please, sit down" The principal says with so much pity it makes me sick. I fucking hate it when people pity me, like I'm a lost defenseless puppy. I nod and sit down in the chair next to Luke. I can feel him staring at me.

"The reason why I called you both here is because of this," She holds up one of the pictures.

"I dont know if Luke was the one who did this, but I do know that Luke has been bullying you, based on the reports I've heard. Is this true Jacy?" She asks. I feel tempted to tell her everything, about the bulling and it all. But, it im not a snitch. As much as I want him to suffer for all the hurt and pain he has caused me, I know that it won't make me any better than him and his duche friends.

"No, it's not, Luke has never bullied with me. It's just a friend thing we do, nothing serious" I lie for the second time today. I just hope that this time it's believable.

"A friend thing you two do?" The principal asks, unsure.

"Completely" I confirm.

"Then who do you think did this?" The principal asks, holding the picture up again.

"I honestly have no Idea. But all of this will blow over in a week or two, it's no biggie"

"Are you sure, I mean you were crying pretty hard."

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Luke has nothing to do with this, and my best advice to you it, drop it" I say, a little annoyed.

"Ok then, well I guess I can let you two go. Bye" She sighs, clearly unsure. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and scoff. Luke and I both get up and walk out the door, him behind me. Before I turn the corner to leave school, He grabs my wrist and makes me face him.

"Why?" He whispers.

"Why what?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Dont be stupid, why did you lie?"

"Because I'm not a snitch. I can always forgive, no matter who you do. But I can never forget" I hiss before wiggling out of his grip, walking out the exit, heading home.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now