Chapter Twelve

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It's been a day since I was told that there's three tumors I'm my Ma's head. I haven't really done much by cry and lay in bed, same with JayJay and Pa. He's taking it the hardest. Every night he locks himself in his room, the smell of beer lingering around his door. He doesn't even get up to go to work. I'm forced to take care of, not only myself, but Jason and the house. I've been looking at jobs so I can pay for the bills since dad won't get up out of bed. The principle at my school was informed about my mom, and told me that I can stay out of school as long as I wanted because Kriss volunteered to come to my place after school and give and teach me my work. She would teach me on what she learned, and gave me my work. She would turn it in the next day at school. She stays for about 5 hours before she has to get home for dinner. I finished getting dressed for a job interview I have at a tattoo and piercing parlor about 10 minutes way. I sigh, and leave my room. I grab my keys and drive to my internet.


"Can you start now?"

"No problem" I smile. I got the job as a tattoo artist. I might a few piercing's here and there, but mainly tattoo's. I was showed to my station, and I sat there, looking down at the ink and needles and all of that great jazz. I take in a deep breath, knowing that I can't screw this up when someone come's in. A few minutes later, my boss, tori, came in.

"Hey, Jacy right?"

"Yeah, but people just call me J"

"Already have a nickname that I like. Awesome."


"Ok, so I have this kid who wants to get a lip piercing, and so to get you started I gave you the easy job."

"Really? Thanks"

"No problem, I'll send him in" She exits as I grab a small lip ring and the thing that makes the piercing. I also grabbed some cotton swabs and disinfectant. I waited for the kid to come in while I gathered the things I needed.

"Here she is, don't have sex on the chair, I know she's hot but fuck her on your time" I hear tori say.

"Tori!" I excalim, turning around.

"J, this is Luke, Luke, J"

"Yeah, we know each other" We say in unison.

"Great, well, get to work" She exits, not noticing the death glares Luke's giving me.

"Alright, if you really want this piercing, sit down over there" I say, pointing to the chair. I grab the needle for the piercing, lip ring and the other stuff. He sits down on the chair.

"Where do you want your piercing?"

"Right here" He points to the lower left comer of his lip. I nod, putting some disinfectant on the area before taking the needle and poking in in the are where he wanted his piercing. He winced a little.

"Oh, this may hurt a little" I giggle.

"No shit."

"Alright" I say as I clip the piercing in place, and put a little more disinfectant on it. He winces again.

"Come on you baby, doesn't hurt that much"


"Ok, take this home, and apply some before you got to bed for about a week or two to prevent infection. If there's irritated feeling, burning sensation, or pain and discomfort in or around your lip ring, take it out and leave it out until it's gone. Any questions. Please be no because I don't really care, and there's a pretty good chance I won't know the answer" I finish up, handing him a small bottle of disinfectant. He looks up at me.

"Actually, I have two questions" He smirks.

"And they are?"

"One, how long have you been working here?"

"Just got the job and hour ago. You're my first"

"Ok. Two, why a lion?" I look at him confused before he points at my lion tattoo on my finger.

"Oh. Just something personal. Only one other person knows"

"And who's that?" He asks. I get nervous. He can't know, he bullies me.

"Look, you don't wanna know, and I don't want to tell you something you don't really care about when the story behind my lion tattoo is extremely personal. I have yet to find someone I trust deeply enough to tell them. You, I don't trust. You bully me, along with your group of friends."

"Just trying to be nice, don't have to be such a rude bitch!"

"Trying to be nice?! Oh yeah, like it was so nice of you to harass and make fun I me, calling me hurtful words and names, making me feel like shit! And it was so nice of you and your friends for when I got home, after I was hurt by your great friends, Rey an Jeena, after three months of being clean, I gave myself 20 new friends!," I hold out my wrist for him to see. "So thanks. Since your such a nice person!" I scream. The blood visibly drains from his face.


"Luke, just leave"


"JUST FUCKING LEAVE!" He gets up, taking the bottle of disinfectant and leaves, no further questions asked. I look up at the clock and see that my shift is over. I grab my things, and race out the door, tears streaming down my face. I get into the car, and drive home.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now