Chapter Fourteen

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Song: safe and sound

I wake up, my head resting on Luke's chest. I smile to myself, wondering again how I got here, in my room with-a now shirtless-Luke holding me close to him. I snuggle my head in his chest, replaying yesterday's events in my head.


"Luke, oh my god, what are you doing?" I ask, him dragging me by my wrist.

"I want you to show me your work!" He stops to face me, bouncing up and down like a child. I laugh at his foolishness.

"Ok Lucas, calm down. God you remind me of when I had this obsession with skittles" I mumble to myself.


"I'm obsessed"

"Ok skittles, take me to your work!"

"Ok, ok, follow me" I run, Luke catching up to me. We run side by side until we go under a highway.

"You're not going to kill me here, are you?" He nervously asks, making me laugh.


"Ok" He sighs in relief, making me laugh harder.

"I'm the kind of friend who'll help you hide a body, but if you piss me off, remember, I know where to hide a body" I wiggle my eyebrows, nudging him in the ribs, making him laugh.

"Alright, here's my most recent one" I say, stopping him in front of my newest drawing. I made this about 4 years ago, just a picture of a lonely girl listening to music. It's a depiction of my depression. Well, of when I had depression. I got over it now. I watch as Luke stares at it in awe

"You like it?"

"It's amazing....What does it mean?" He turns to face me.

"Uh, 4 years ago, something really bad happened to me, and I was depressed for a long time. I just recently got over it, and this was a depiction on how I felt. I felt lonely, sad, music was my only escape, that's why there's the headphones. The heart balloons represent me losing love and hope, and the blue clothes and the crossing of her arms show how cold and sad I was. The bracelets cover my scars, and the long black hair was my depression. Long, always there, blowing around in the wind for everyone to see, but to not really something they should pay attention to. And lastly, the necklaces represent my suicide urges. Each one got smaller and smaller, showing how much more I wanted to die. But, as you can see, the last one never made it to my neck, showing how I overcame it. You may not see all of that at first glance, but now you know. And now you view it differently" I take a deep breath, daring to look over at Luke. His eyes never left me, full of wonder and sorrow.

"What-what happened?" He carefully asked.

"Why do you care? All you and your friends have been so rude and nasty to me. Why are you being so nice?!" I snap.

"It's a long story......" He trails off, his voice soft and sad.

"Ok. How about this. When one of is us ready to tell the other about their story, Mine being the story behind my tattoo, and the reason for my picture, an yours for bullying me, then the other one has to tell theirs. It would show each other how much we trust one another" I propose. Luke looks around, thinking it over before sticking out his hand.

"Deal" I shake his hand.

"When do you think you'll be ready to tell me?" He asks.

"When will you be ready to tell me?"

"Only if you tell first"

"Only if we go back to my place. I can grantee you, by the end of the story, I'm going to be an absolute mess. I'd rather be a mess in my home than out in public"

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now