Chapter Sixteen

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I dreaded this day. I didn't know if Luke was gonna go back to bullying me, or if his friends will leave him, or if he'll leave me entirely. I sigh, turning off my alarm clock before taking a shower and getting dressed, putting my hair up in a messy fishtail. I put on the usual makeup and my shoes before grabbing by bag and heading downstairs. I'm greeted by tons of empty beer bottles, some broken and a hungover dad slumped over the island in the kitchen, a half empty bottle in his hand. His sobbing is what hurts the most.

"Oh no, not now dad" I mumble, rushing over to him. I hold his head in my hands as he wraps his arms around me, sobbing into my chest. His eyes are puffy and red, his whole face pale. His inner tear ducts are purple, spreading outwards. His voice is all groggy. He's gonna drink himself to death over this.

"Shhhh" I soothe, petting his head.

"Why?! Why does she have cancer?! After all of these years of saying that we'll be together forever, she can't leave me now! I'm not ready..." He continued to sob.

"It's ok dad, its ok. She'll be ok. Just get some rest dad, please" I beg. He sighs, and I help him into his room, tucking him into bed. I turn around and see JayJay standing in the door way.

"How bad" He asks, showing no emotion.

"This is none of your business of what happens to dad. Just leave it to me and stay out of it. I really can afford you to get hurt because you commented on something and dad goes on a drunken rage out on you. Just stay out of it." I snap, pushing past him, into the kitchen. I grab a plastic bag and clean up the beer bottles. I look up and see JayJay walking out.

"Wait!" I say, tossing him an apple.

"I also can't afford my little brother to die of starvation on my watch" I joke, making him chuckle.

"Later little bro"

"Later" He takes a bite out of the apple before leaving. I pick up the rest of the bottles and toss them on recycling before grabbing an apple myself, my bag and keys, taking the car today so dad can't drive to the pub. I get into the car, and drive to school, wondering what today will bring.


I pull into a parking spot, not too far from the school entrance. I still hear snickers and whispers, but they died down massively. I sigh in relief.

"Hey there" I hear some say. I turn to my left to see Kriss.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Nothing much, how about you?"

"Nothing, just got a job at a tattoo and piercing parlor, and I think I'm nowfriendswithlukehemmimgs" I rush out the last part, not knowing how'd she'd take the news.

"YOURE WHAT?!" She shrieks, near by people looking at us.

"I maybe friends with Luke Hemmings" I shrug, opening my locker and putting my stuff in my locker, and pulling out the things I need for class.

"Explain. Now" She demands, walking with me to class. I tell her everything, and she looks like she's gonna explode.

"Holy shit, I ship it!!!" She squeals.

"Calm your tits! I don't even know if Luke's gonna talk to me because of his friends." I sigh as we walk into science. I look around and see Luke and the other boys. He look up, catching my gaze. Kriss has already ditched me, sitting in her set, winking at me. I look over ant Luke, who pulls up a chair next to him, beckoning me over. I point at myself, mouthing "Me?" to make sure. He chuckles and nods. I walk over, and sit down in the chair.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now