Chapter Twenty-Five

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"And she told me that I was dead if I went near you and the other guys" I tell Luke. After school, I called Luke to see if he wanted to come over. My dad hasn't been home for the past few days, and I'm getting worried. He might have became some drunk abusive father, but he's still my dad, and nothing's going to change that. Jason--who's currently in his room playing video games--isn't a(e)ffected what so ever. Luke and I are currently sitting on my bed, talking about what happened in the janitors closet after first period.

"What did she look like!?" He asks, holding onto an old massive stuffed penguin I got years ago at a fair. He's been obsessed with it lately whenever he comes over.

"Well, she had hazel eyes, blue electric hair, about 5'7, pale skin, she sounded desperate and clingy." I say, trying to remember anything else about her that I could tell him. I look back at Luke, and his face drops.

"That's my Ex, Lucy" He says. Now it's my turn for my face to drop. His Ex?! How can he not tell me this?! He has a crazy Ex girlfriend who's completely delusional, thinking that she can keep me away from him. And because of her, I couldn't go on the date with Luke yesterday. I was honestly too scared and I lied about having a horrible headache. We both rescheduled it for tonight, same time. It's currently 5, so we have some time to kill.

"What?!" I eventually get out. "Hemmings, you have some explaining to do"

"Ok, a few years ago I dated her, she was so sweet and beautiful, I had to ask her out. But after a couple of months, her true self started to show. She was demanding, clingy, over barring, abusive and had the most extreme mood swings. After two years of dating I finally called it off. After that she started stalking me, always following and watching. Every other girl I dated would grow distant and scared before calling it off. I knew it was her, but I couldn't do anything about it. a few months back, she up and left. I was so happy, but I guess she came back and heard about you and me." He finished, whispering the last part.

"Well, I don't care. It's been a long time since someone made me truly happy, and you do, and I'm not letting some crazy sycophantic bitch take it away." I say, sitting criss crossed on the edge of my bed, facing Luke.

"I hope so" He says, silence taking over.

"So what do you want to do?" I eventually ask.

"Oh, I can think of a couple of things we can do" he wiggles his eyebrows, causing me to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Ewww, a little cocky much?!" I laugh.

"Are you British or something?" He asks.

"I was born in London, living there until I was 6" I explain.

"I knew there was a slight accent there!" He exclaims, sounding like a child. I throw a pillow at him, making his hair get all messy

"My hair!" His hands fly up to his hair, quickly trying to fix it.

"Stop! It looks cute all messy like that!" I laugh, walking over to him, moving his hands away from his hair. It was true, he looked 10 times cuter with messy hair.

"Cute my ass, you have a hat-" I quickly cut him off by kissing him. He was shocked at first, but slowly eased into the kiss, kissing me back while wearing his arms around my waist. I immediately wrap my hands around his neck, playing with the tiny hairs on the nape, smiling into the kiss. I pull away, having to take a breath.

"If this happens each time my hair gets messed up, then I might make sure that happens more often" He says breathlessly, causing me to giggle.

"What ever Hemmings, but it is now 7:30, so go home and get ready. Meet me back here when it's 8" I say, getting out of his grip and walking over to my dresser.

"But I wanna stay!" He whines.

"Out" I point at the door. He huffed before getting up.

"Fine, but I'm taking this" He grabbed my stuffed penguin and left. I really liked that penguin..... I just sighed before getting into the shower. After about 20 minutes, I got out and got dressed, quickly putting on my usual makeup. As soon as I finish, I hear a knock on the door.

"Coming!" I shout, putting on my shoes. I walk over to the door, opening it with a worming smile. Then I see him standing there, tall and strong, giving me a lopsided smile.

"Hey there Jacy"

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now