Chapter Twenty

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I slowly drag myself out of bed, not wanting to go to school today. But, it's Friday, so I'll just get the day done and over with. I lazily make my way over to my dresser, the cold floor sending goosebumps up my legs. It's going to be hot out today, so I grab a black tee with some high waisted shorts and my grey beanie and my white high top converse. I take my shower, slowly washing out my hair. I get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, grabbing my bag and walking downstairs. JayJay's in the kitchen, playing with his cereal.

"C'Mon lil bro, eat up" I say, ruffling his hair, sitting next to him. He looks depressed, acting as if I wasn't there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, putting a hand on his back. He looks at me, his eyes all red and puffy.

"She's gone J. She's really gone" He cries. I pull him close, stroking his hair as he continues to cry. I fight back the tears of my own, knowing that I have to be strong for him.

"Hey, Hey, it's ok, trust me. Ma was in pain, and now she's in a better place where she can't be hurt," I look him in the eye, wiping away his tears. "Now, you and I both know that Ma would kill us for sitting here, crying over her. So, grab your lunch and I'll drive you to school" I say. He nods, taking his lunch from off the counter.

"How about this. When I come back from school, you and I go out and do whatever you want. Play video games, go out for ice cream, talk about cute girls at your school," I nudge his side, causing him to laugh. "Wanna do that?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool" He chuckles, making me smile. Then, I had an idea.

"Hey, how would you feel if I said that for today, and today only, you can come with me to highschool, I can show you all of the awesome parts, and then we skip the rest of the day?" I smirk. He looks up at me, a devilish smile dancing across his lips.

"Yeah!" He jumps up and down.

"Great, now we won't be needing our bags, so just leave them here" We drop our bags onto the floor.

"Alright lil bro, lets go!" I shout. taking his hand and bolting out the door. We race down the street, me constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure he's still behind me. I turn around while still running and shout back at him,

"Hurry lil bro!" I turn around, nearly running into someone. Thankfully I stop a millimeter in front of them.

"Whoa, slow down there" The person says, and I instantly recognize their voice.

"Hey Calum" I giggle, JayJay catching up next to me.

"Hey lil bro, this is my friend, Calum." I introduce him, making him stand in front of me, my hands resting on his shoulders.

"Hey, my names Jason, but people call me JayJay" He sticks out his hand, and shakes Calum's. Calum chuckles before looking back up at me.

"Where are you guys going?" He gives me a questioning look. I mouth back to him 'I'll tell you later' he nods in response.

"Hey Calum, wanna hang out with us? I was just gonna show JayJay some of the quote-on-quote cool places in school then we're skipping to do what he wants" I offer, hoping he'll say yes so I'll have someone who I can talk to.

"Uh, yeah sure"

"Alright, let's go!" I shout, starting to run. Calum gets the point and immediately starts running, same with JayJay. Calum and I run next to each other, JayJay in front of us. I was really unfit and JayJay used to play football, so he can easily outrun me. The entire way to school, both Calum and I just laugh like crazy. When we get to the entrance of the building, it's already 20 minutes into first period.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now