Chapter Eighteen

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Just as I say this, the heart monitor goes dead, a piercing beep tearing through my ears. A flood of people come rushing in, saying all of these things I can't comprehend. Suddenly I'm being pulled out of the room, away from my mother. I scream, fight, desperately trying to get to her. My vision is blurred by steaming hot tears, pooling and falling over my eyes. I scream a string of profanities, demanding to run into her arms. I don't want to believe what's true. I don't want to face it. I want to run away from it, but I can't. I don't want to see what's already been done. But I can't un see what happening right in front of me. I can't escape it. I can't escape it because

She gone


I get dressed, sneaking past dads closed room and hoping onto my motorcycle, driving to the hospital. I park as Close as I can before walking in to the building, making my was towards the front desk.

"Emily Cass" I say to the assistant. She looks up, confused.

"What room is she in?" I elaborate, slightly annoyed.

"Room 204, down the hall" She points. I walk down the hall, and into Ma's room. She's connected to a bunch of tubes, her hair already gone. I sit next to her, holding her hand as a doctor walks in.

"You must be the daughter." She says. I nod.

"Hello, I'm Dr.White, I take care of your mother. She's a real fighter you know. What's your name?"

"Jacy. What's wrong with her? I already know about the cancer, so cut to the chase" I say, facing her. Her face falls, guilt and sorrow taking over her hazel eyes.

"She had stage 3 of cancer now. She's in a coma, and there's no telling if she'll wake up. And because she has no insurance, we can't preform the needed surgery to help her" She looks at me with pity. I let the tears fall, a sob escaping. I fall to the floor, crying my eyes out. This can't be happening. Hoe did we not know about this sooner? Then it hit me.

She already knew.

All of the doctor trips for her 'colds' and the list of medication she had to take every day. She knew about it, but never told us. And now I have to watch her slowly die on a hospital bed instead of watching her cook us our dinner at home. Dr.White excused herself from the room, giving us some alone time. I pull up a chair, holding her hand.

"Hey Ma. I miss you. Its been crazy back at home without you. I wish you can hear me. I made 4 new friends. Yeah, they used to bully me, but we cleared everything. Their names are Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum. They're awesome. So is my other friend, Kriss. I'm singing more, just like you wanted. Yeah, I even sang to the boys. I got a job at a tattoo and piercing place, and I love it there. I, I um, uh, opened up to Luke about Jace. Ma, Im falling hard for him, and I don't know what to do. I'm scared. I'm scared of rejection Ma. I'm scared he doesn't feel the same way. I wish I didn't have to tell you this like this. You in a hospital bed, in a coma with stage 3 of cancer. Me on the verge of breaking down again. I know that this is a tough battle Ma, but dad and Jason needs you. I need you. We need you to fight for this Ma, we can't make it without you. Please, fight" Just as I say this, the heart monitor goes dead, a piercing beep tearing through my ears. A flood of people come rushing in, saying all of these things I can't comprehend. Suddenly I'm being pulled out of the room, away from my mother. I scream, fight, desperately trying to get to her. My vision is blurred by steaming hot tears, pooling and falling over my eyes. I scream a string of profanities, demanding to run into her arms. I don't want to believe what's true. I don't want to face it. I want to run away from it, but I can't. I dot want to see what's already been done. But I can't un see what happening right in front of me. I can't escape it. I can't escape it because

She gone.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now