Chapter Twenty-Two

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I wake up around 5 in the morning with a foot in my face. I look up to see Michael spiraled across the floor, his feet spread across me. They stink, does this boy take a shower?! The boys stayed the night because they all slowly one by one fell asleep. Luke and I were the last ones the fall asleep, him and Calum still having no idea that I over heard their conversation. I sit up and get out of the fort, and go downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I walk into the kitchen, and see Luke.

"Hey, what are you doing up so early?" I ask, walking up to him. He jumps a little, spilling some water.

"I-I was thirsty so I got up to get a drink"

"Oh. Want to help me make breakfast? Some bacon and eggs?" I ask, pulling out a pan.

"Sure, what do I do?"

"Well, for starters you can go et the bacon and eggs out of the refrigerator" I chuckle, turning on the stove and putting some PAM on the pan before putting it on the stove. Luke puts down the eggs and bacon next to me. I glance up at him. He looks nervous.

"Ok, open up the bacon and take out a pan and you can make the bacon. Make sure you spray this on the pan first" I put the PAM down next to him, and we both get to work on the breakfast.

'Should I tell him that I over heard him and Calum last night? Maybe I should say anything. But if I don't, he'll never know that I love him too. How would he react? Would he storm out in anger before I can tell him? Will he have an emotional breakdown? Will he not listen to a word I'm saying? What if he starts yelling and wakes everyone up? What if he forces me to leave before I can say anything? What if................ But, he might by lying, and pretending that he lik-' OH SHUT UP AND TELL HIM! I scream in my head. I take a steady breath, preparing myself to bring this conversation. But I know that there isn't enough perpetration in the would that would help me start this.

"Uh, hey, um Luke?" I carefully ask, cracking open an egg and putting it into the pan.


"I-I um, uh, over heard you and Calum talking last night in the bathroom" I can hear his breath get caught in his throat. I continue cracking open eggs and putting them in the pan, scared to look up.

"Is it true? That you love me?" My voice cracks.

"Yeah..." He slumps over the counter.

"Look, Jacy, I'm just gonna come clean. Ever since I saw you that day you moved in, your messy hair and black ripped skinny jeans, I knew I liked you. Then, the more I got to know you the harder and harder I fell until I realized that I'm in love with you. I knew that you'd never love me back so I-" I cut him off.

"What makes you think that I'd never go out with you?" I finally allow myself to look up into his deep blue eyes. One thing you learned real quick is that once you get to know him, you can read his emotions in his eyes. He does a pretty shit job covering them up anyways. I can tell that he's scared, sad maybe nervous.

"Because I bullied you! And look at me. I'm not attractive, I have a hard past, I have a half shit personally, I put you through so much shit, who would ever go out with me after I did all of that to them?" I can see the tears pooling in his eyes, making me feel unbelievably sad and guilty for him. For a minute at a complete loss of words, watching as this blue eyed and blonde haired breadstick was on the verge of a breakdown. I know I have to choose my words carefully right now, for the wrong ones can completely shatter him into a motion pieces

"That's not true. Luke, you're one of the most attractive person I've ever met-and I've met a lot of people-, you bullied me over something you couldn't control, you have the best personality once I got to know you, and god damn it, your so awkward it's adorable" I chuckle at the last part, making him crack a small smile.

"Your my little, awkward breadstick"

"I'm not a breadstick!" He fake pouts, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah you are!," I laugh. "Because if your breadstick, we're breadstick and skittles!" I exclaim, causing both of us to erupt in laughter at my child like behavior.

"Luke, if you really wanted to be my boyfriend, all you have to do is ask." I say once we calmed down, turning to crack the last egg into the pan.

"But I can't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love me back" He dips his head down low. I sigh, turning around and stepping closer to put my hand under his chin, lifting his head up to look at me. His breath hitches when he sees how close we are.

"Just say it" I whisper.

"Say what?"

"The three words. Say them" He swallows hard before responding.

"I-I love you"

"Try not to stutter Hemmings" I push.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I smile, reaching up and kissing him. He immediately responds by kissing be back, wrapping his hands around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. I pull away, smiling.

"Well, since I had to make the first move once, I'll do it again, Luke, would you like to go on a date with me?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'd like that" He chuckles.

"Great, not let's finish breakfast before we burn the house down" We go back making the breakfast. Soon after we finish, the boys come downstairs.

"Perfect timing boys, breakfasts ready" I say, putting down their plates and forks in front of them. They wait no time digging in, devouring it all.

"Slow down before you all choke and die and I'll have to bury your body's on the back yard" I laugh.

"You would never" Ashton says, food flying out on his mouth and hitting my face, making everyone laugh.

"Haha, very funny, but just remember I know how to make a dead body not float in water" I warn, making them go quite, making my smile in victory. We all continued to eat, and Luke unexpectedly put his arm around my shoulders, causing me to blush and look away to my left.

"Why are you two acting all lovey dovey?" Michael asks, his voice full of suspicion.

"Should you explain this Lucas, or should I?" I ask, eating some egg off of his plate.

"Uh, y-you can" His cheeks turn a light shade of red. I laugh a little and begin to explain.

"Ok, I'm keeping this short so basically I come downstairs to make breakfast and Luke was down here getting a drink and he helped me make breakfast. I told him that I over heard him and Calum talking in the bathroom, and that he said that he loved me. Then he started to list reasons why he thought that I would never date him and I listed reasons why I would then he said he doesn't want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love him back an I make say 'I love you' and I said 'I love you too' and made the first move and kissed him. Then I asked him out on a date." I say fast, eating some bacon.

"Finally! God I was beginning to think you guys would never go out because Luke was too much of a chicken to ask you out!" Calum said, the other boy's agreeing.

"Well he was, I was the one who kissed him and asked him out" I point out.

"Yeah Luke, you gotta step up your game" Ashton teased.

"Whatever" He mumbled.

"Speak up breadstick" I tease.

"Stop calling me breadstick!"

"Well stop looking like one"

"I hate you"

"Love ya too" I smile.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now