Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I wake up in my room, my vision blurry. I try to get up but a wave of pain racing through my body keeps me down, flashbacks of last night overflowing my brain.


"Yes" I breathlessly said. The look in his eyes showed pure joy and happiness. The next thing I know, he pulls me into a heated kiss before I get out of the car, saying my goodbyes and walking into my house. I thoughtlessly open the door, forgetting that I locked it hours before. I look down at my hands, smiling like an idiot before,

"What the fuck you smiling about?" I hear a raspy voice ask. My smile disappears, and I look up to see my dad looking at me, a bottle at hand.

"I-I h-have a b-boyf-friend n-now" I stutter.

"Who, the little shit from earlier?" He raises his voice. I was too scared to speak, so I nod my head.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to have one? He's only sorry for your ugly shitty ass, he doesn't care"

"N-Not true, he told me that he loved me!" I defend, my voice cracking and tears pooling in my eyes. I chuckles before walking closer. He stops right in front of me before laughing in my face.

"No one will ever love you" He slaps me, causing me to fall to the ground. He continued to kick and punch me. I could feel myself being pulled deeper and deeper into unconscious. He picked me up off the floor, and punched me in the face before completely blacking out. 

Flashback over

I drag my body out of bed, no ready for the day ahead. I take a shower, washing off all of the dried up blood from last night.. When I finished getting dressed, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I was horrified by the women in the mirror. She had a busted lip, a black eye, split open eyebrow and cheek, a small bone popping out of her nose. She was hideous. She was me. Right there, I broke down into tears, wishing I could escape.

'You can.'

No, not like that.

'Yes like that.'

No! WHat about Calum, Michael, Ashton, Luke?

'Like they would care. Just do it.'

"STOP!" I cry, burying my face into my knees. I continue to cry, and cry, and cry. I eventually pick myself up, and look myself in the mirror again. I wipe away the rears, and pick up the foundation. I finish applying my make up, and grab my bag, and walk downstairs. If I had known what I was going to hear and see, I would've listened to the voice in my head. Because when I walked into the living room and saw three cops in there, arresting my dad. Bue what really made me feel dead inside was what the policeman said next

"You are under arrest for drunk driving, ultimately resulting in the death of 18 year old Ashton Irwin"


A/N: I know this is a sucky chapter, and I'm sorry this took so long to post, don't kill me. I'm sad that Ashton died 😭😭. The book is coming close to an end, There might only be about 35 chapters. I might make a sequel, but you guys have to let me know on the last chapter. That's it, bye!😘

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now