Chapter Thirteen

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I arrive at school, ducking my head down low as the whispering has already started. I sigh, stopping at my locker. I grab my things, but my locker gets slammed shut, almost closing on my fingers. I yelp, dropping my things, jumping back. I turn around to see Rey, Michael, Jeena and Ashton standing there.

"So, you decided to show your slutty ass to school?" Jeena insults. I look down, not answering.

"Answer fucking bitch" Michael shoves me into the lockers. I still don't answer. Seconds later I receive multiple punches to my stomach.

"Open your locker" Rey demands in my ear. I get up, and open my locker. Then I feel someone grab my hair, closing it in my hair. Then they all leave me with my hair trapped in my locker, pain in my stomach. My eyes sting, but I refuse to cry. I close my eyes and stand there in the empty hallway.

"What's your passcode?" I hear someone ask. I open my eyes ans see Ashton standing there.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I want to help you"

"Why? I thought you hated me?"

"Just tell me your damn passcode" He grumbles. I tell him, and he opens my licker, releasing my hair. I tie it up in a bun, not wanting to mess with it. I grab y things.


"No problem. Just dont tell anyone, ok?"

"Yeah, I wont. Now you might want to go to your friends before they come looking for you and catch us talking" I mumble, walking away. I look back to see him watching me leave. I blush a little, and turn back around, the bell ringing. I walk into my next class, history. I sit in the back, working on the design of the model we have to turn in by the end of the three months.

"You're a really good artist." I jump back, looking up and Luke. I didn't even know he was standing there.

"T-thanks" I mumble, going back to my drawing.

"These are really good" I look over to my left, Luke going threw my drawing notebook.

"LUKE! That's my drawing notebook! They're not even that good" I snatch the notebook out of his hands, putting it on the other side of the table.

"Are you kidding? They're amazing!"

"Luke, you hate me remember, being nice to me isn't what people to to the person they hate."

"I know. But really, they're amazing."

"Yeah, people said the same thing about my graffiti." I whisper to myself, hoping that he didn't hear me. Oops.


"Yeah, I used to do graffiti. Not anymore."


"I've been told more than once that I shouldn't do it anymore, and that I'm a shit artist."

"Whoever said that is the biggest liar ever."

"I guess. I used to come up here to visit my grandparents before i moved here. You could find some of my work around the more dangerous sides of this place"

"Take me to see them?" I look up at Luke. He looks completely serious.

'Why is he being so nice? I thought he hated me?'

"Sure," I say with a smile. "When do you want to see my work"

"Now" And with that, Luke grabs my arm, and pulls me out of class. Then out of school.

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now