6 • C O U N T D O W N

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A few hours had gone by

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A few hours had gone by. Eve let me feed on her causing me to turn. Ares had mentioned something about 18 hours.

"How did you heal" I look over at Eve and question her

"Us shadow hunters have runes that give us a special ability" Eve answers


"So for us shadow hunters it's the source of our ability to fight the demonic entities at all. It's a complex runic language given by the Angel to grant powers beyond mundanes. Some Marks are applied to the bodies of Shadow hunters, and some are applied to physical objects."

"Oh so does each rune thing give you a certain power?"


"Eve what the fuck is a mundane"

"The mundanes are just the regular, boring human beings who are unaware of the fantastical world below and around them. They can be glamoured to ignore the supernatural beings if they get too close"


"It means that they can't see us, we become hidden from them"

"Am I a shadow hunter?"


"Why were we assigned"

"Our parents were close. Before you know my parents died" Eve says and her facial expression dropped

"Your not scared of me are you?"

"Of course not bels your my best friend"

She looks at me and hugs me

I get up and open the window because it was way too dark in my room and I absolutely adore the sunlight.

"BELS DONT" Eve gets up and pushes me before I get a chance to open the window

"What the fuck! Genevieve"

"Your a vampire did you forget?!?" She keeps her voice high

I hear someone coming up the steps and barge in the door

"What happened" Ivan says

"She almost just disintegrated herself"

"Are you fucking dumb Bella?" Ivan begins to raise his voice

"I'm sorry!"

"Here" he hands me a blue heart shaped diamond ring

"I am not marrying you Ivan"

Eve laughs and Ivan glares at me

"I'm not proposing you dumb fuck" he glares "it's for the sunlight so you don't fucking burn yourself"

"So what this is like sunscreen" I say as a smirk begins to grow on my face

Ivan just glares and doesn't say a word

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