12 • S T O R Y

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We get back to the house after Eve packs and took her damn time in doing so, I mean I'm happy that she's here so I can talk to someone who won't tell me to shut up every god damn 5 seconds

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We get back to the house after Eve packs and took her damn time in doing so, I mean I'm happy that she's here so I can talk to someone who won't tell me to shut up every god damn 5 seconds. Eve knows about my dad and his unreasoned hate for me and she is a very good listener. That's why I love her like a sister, she has always been there for and she will continue to be there for me no matter what the situation is. She has always been my ride or die and will continue to be.

And I know I can't blame Ares for always telling me to shut up because I do talk a lot but he doesn't know what it means to always have a male figure always telling me to shut up. My dad always reacted on instincts when I spoke to him. He would either abuse me or hit me when I didn't top talking. In a way bruce was somewhat like my dad. But I didn't leave because I loved him. No matter how shitty my dad treated me I always loved him.

My dad and mom separated five years ago. He was caught cheating on my mom. I lived with my dad until he supported me on getting my phoenix tattoo. I guess it all makes sense now. I mean my mom was a shadow hunter. I got the phoenix power from my dads side. Once my mom caught him cheating he tried making things better but I just kept talking. I wanted my dad to be there for me. But every word I said always ended up with me being hit. Whether it was with a broom, stick, knife, anything that was in his reach.

After my mom found out about the tattoo she made me choose between her and my dad. I couldn't take it anymore so I went with my mom. My mom and I just started getting close about 3 years ago. I was traumatized so I didn't talk to her, if I did I would always say sorry because I didn't want to get hit with anything. But I learned that she was different. She listened, the way Eve listens. My mom has always been there for me, I finally told her about what had been going on with dad. She tried to help me.

Whenever a male would just come up to me and try to touch me I would always get scared. Not with C or Nico though. I'm comfortable around them. But when ares does it I don't know. He doesn't make me feel scared.-babes he wants you dead

If Ares really wanted me dead he would've done it since the beginning wouldn't he?

He wants your mom to Bella. What if he has her and then kills you?

I don't want to think about it. Ares may be emotionless but I know he has a heart in there somewhere. And I swear I'm going to be the one who finds it.

"You okay? You've been really quiet and that is unlike you" Nico asks throwing an arm over mine and Eve's shoulders. I snap out of my thoughts before looking at him and giving him the fake smile

"I'm great"

"Okay, now that you all are finally bac- OH MY GOD ARES WHY HAVE YOU KIDNAPPED ANOTHER GIRL?" Rose scolds the guys and I laugh a bit. "Fucking assholes" she mumbles to herself running to me and Eve. "Did they hurt you? If they did I will beat them up don't worry" she asks Eve

Eve was taken back by Rose's nice words and how rude she was to the boys.

"No, said some dumb shit about since they already have Bels and is trying to exchange her for her mom I could be another person for her to actually go with the exchange because I'm her best friend an- wait that makes no sense I worded that horribly sorry" she interrupts herself and looks to the guys for an explanation.

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