14 • B R E A K F A S T

49 4 2

I slowly began to squint open my eyes and instantly scrunched them back closed

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I slowly began to squint open my eyes and instantly scrunched them back closed.

Sunlight was pouring into the room. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that I somehow ended back into my room. I could've sworn I was in the movie theater with Ares. How did I get back here? And did I actually sleep without my god damn pills? That's a first-tell me about it. It WAS PEACEFUL.

I groan as I pulled my comforter over my head, rolling onto my other side letting out a sigh.

My door swings open and I pull the comforter down to see who it was.

"Morning sunshine! Pills?" Eve says as she makes her way over to my bed


She looks at me confused "no pills? And your sleeping?" She questions

"I know weird right" I nod in agreement

"Rose made breakfast for us silly. Come on!" She tugs the comforter off of my body and gets up

"Can it wait" I groan

"Nope get up. Ares and Nico is making us train after this"

I groan again from annoyance

I roll out of bed and slipped on a pair of sweatpants because it was fucking cold. Don't let that sunlight fool you. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and made my way out of my room. Eve said that rose made breakfast but the house was awfully silent.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and a big yawn had hit me

"Morning beautiful" rose said but I didn't quite hear

"Thanks Ares" I smile and hug him

They all look at me confused

"Get your hands off me Davis" Ares says as he pushes me off


"Rose said morning not Ares" Nico says as a little chuckle slips out causing Ares to punch his shoulder "ow man come on"

"Thinking about Ares?" Eve snickers

"What?- No?" I blurt out from embarrassment

I look at Ares with a confused look, he was so nice to me last night. What changed?

I look over to the clock that was next to the fridge and it read '10:02am' I walk over to the stool sitting next to Nico.

"How'd you sleep?" Rose questions

"Uhm fine" I respond

"Guys guess what" Eve says

They all look at her "what" they all say at the same time

"She slept without her pills" Eve says clapping her hands

"Really?" Rose says

I simply just nod

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