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Do you know how hard it is to fucking ignore Bella? It's hard as shit

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Do you know how hard it is to fucking ignore Bella? It's hard as shit. But after the exchange Nico dared me to ignore her for as long as I could. And if I could last until Christmas Morning he'd give me $100.

Don't you have fucking money? Like you live in a god damn mansion and you want $100?

It's free money, why the hell would I pass that Ares Jr. Now shut the fuck up. It's Christmas Eve and after shopping very fucking last minute I think we all got each other the gifts.

I haven't really spoke to Davis since the werewolf incident but Nico let me pass for that one because if not she would've died.

Dude she's a damn phoenix with vampire powers. Let's not forget part shadow Hunter as well.

You just don't ever shut up do you?


I come down from the bedroom and I swear to god, if these perverted men don't stop looking at Bella like she's a piece of meat I'll carve out their eyes and send them to the doorsteps of their houses. Fucking assholes.

I glare at them, one taps the other and whispers something before they all make eye contact and look down to the floor.

Rolling my eyes, they do this one more time and I'll actually consider making them all become minions as Bella calls them just to make her smile.

"So are you going to keep being stupid? Because I know you want me back" She looks at me and smiles and walks towards me running her hands down my shoulders walking around the couch I was sitting in

"Say it Ares"

"I want you back" I look up at her but I couldn't fight the urge. When Davis gets all dominant or shit like that she's becomes even sexier.

"Please" I nearly beg

"Say it again" this time she bends down whispering it in my ear

"Please Davis. I want you back. I'm done ignoring you just please"

"Damn your sexy when you beg" she chuckles and straddles my lap and kisses me "Now I want ice cream" she stares at me smirking.

Man I am so whipped.

Pulling her closer as she wraps her arms around my torso while I get up and walk towards the kitchen to get this woman her damn ice cream. And that too for just a kiss, for fucks sake Bella-my head was between your legs not so long ago and now you want to sit here eating ice cream and not let me kiss you? My fucking weirdo.

"Sit" I point and pull out a stool for her to sit on and she does as I walk to the fridge

"Sour Patch kids Ice cream" she puts her elbows on the counter top and I sigh, we better have it.

Smiling a bit as I grab the tub of Sour patch kids ice cream and set it on the counter top before grabbing a bowl and spoon, pouring a few scoops into the bowl before putting the ice cream back where I got it from and setting the bowl in front of her.

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