45 • S A Y • I T

28 1 3

"Dude come on, quit being a jack ass and fight the damn fucking vampire" I say irritated as Colby gets thrown for the millionth time

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"Dude come on, quit being a jack ass and fight the damn fucking vampire" I say irritated as Colby gets thrown for the millionth time.

"Quit complaining and get your stupid ass fighting him too" Colby snaps back throwing me in front of the woman

"Oh, little Bella. I've been looking for you." The woman smiled and launched herself at me.

I tried to run but the woman was too fast; she grabbed me and threw me against the wall. Now that I was no longer stabilised, the woman could get to work. She began by nipping at my neck. She slowly chewed away at the flesh on my neck before piercing the jugular vein and sucked the blood which was now spurting out of the wound. As she moved to the my wrists, she heard footsteps gradually getting closer and then she heard the voice of the infamous Ares Salazar.

"Davis please get up. Fight back."

The woman saw the blade too late, and just like that, her life had ended. Ares watched the sword go through the neck of the vampire and observed her head drop, and roll on to the blood stained floor.

"Bella wake up" Ares says as he rushes over to me.

My vision was blurry but I was beginning to heal. Slowly.


"La próxima fez que la metas en una pelea caundo no está mirando, te mato" Ares snaps at Colby picking me up bridal style (Translation: Next time you throw her into a fight when she's not looking, I will kill you.)

"Don't start with that bullshit Ares. She's a god damn vampire. She should've been more aware of her fucking surroundings" Colby snaps back

"ESO ES SUFICIENTE!" Nicholas shouts to get our attention. (Translation: That's enough)

I begin to open my eyes looking at Ares who's glaring at Nico and look at Colby who's glaring at Ares.

What the fuck just happened?

"Please" I whine poking his face cheek

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"Please" I whine poking his face cheek

"Stop it-no" he grabs my wrist and pins it behind against my back, my eyes widen a bit when it pulls me closer to him.

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