13 • A R E S

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"Bels you're blushing" Eve states getting to work on her college essay and I roll my eyes, though was I really?

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"Bels you're blushing" Eve states getting to work on her college essay and I roll my eyes, though was I really?

What felt like 5 hours-oh shoot it was 5 hours nevermind we were finally done. I wrote in my journal with Eves help of course

I most definitely did not tell her what happened between me and Ares

I most definitely did not tell her what happened between me and Ares

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Yeah, so I most definitely think I am cursed.

I slept for 5 minutes and woke up and haven't slept since and I really hate taking my pills because they mess my stomach up along with making me feel like complete shit.

So here I am, lying in bed awake at 4:30 in the morning. I should have just taken my stupid pills.

I want ice cream

Go get it then Bella...?

Yeah, might as well...

I sigh before getting out of the comfortable bed and shiver as the cold air hits my legs. I changed into shorts and a sports bra. But just in case Ares' guards are still up I bring a hoodie with me just in case.

I smile as my fluffy socks slide against the floor a bit before walking to my door and opening it a bit. I peak my head out to see if there's anyone there. No one. Thank God. you just never know, Ares could be standing out there with a knife trying to kill me.

I smile when I see C and I quietly walk out of my room making sure I close the door behind me.

When he sees me he chuckles. "not tired?"

I sigh and walk up to him "I mean I did sleep for a whole five minutes" I say sarcastically as I walk down the stairs and he chuckles lightly.

This time, me being smart as fuck I brought my phone so I use my flashlight as I walk to the kitchen remembering where the lights are to turn them on.

My eyebrows furrow when I realize that the kitchen light was already on and someone was sitting on the stool. I swear to god if its a random killer I am going to throw my phone at them and run for my life.

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