21 • F U C K • Y O U • N I C O

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"Listen Davis

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"Listen Davis. I'm sorry. Ive been a bitch to you the past-"

"Week." I cut him off finishing his sentence

"I'm sorry. I really mean it"

"Prove it"

"Wait" he closes my bedroom door in my face and I hear him running down the stairs

Weirdo. Hot weirdo? You're right

He comes back up stairs and swings my door open holding an Oreo McFlurry from McDonalds.

"For me?" I smile grabbing it from his hands

"Yes" he says not trying to show emotion

"It's not coffee flavored but I'll take it" I eat a big spoonful "your forgiven"

"Good, because I don't know what I would do if I wasn't" he smiles at me

"Hey ash?"

He hums in response

"When's your birthday?"

"That's random"

"You should know me"

He chuckles "December 18"


He shrugs


I'm dead

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I'm dead.

I think.

I'm laying in the middle of my bed like a starfish, I just got out of the shower so I'm wrapped in a small white towel.

Why is Ares being so nice?
A) Aliens have taken over his brain
B) just because
C) he's gaining my trust so he can kill me in my sleep. Oh my fucking god Bella he's not gonna kill your
D) he likes you
E) he's going crazy. Like really crazy

Ok you can't yell at me. But I went into his room and borrowed one of his hoodies without him knowing. It's so much COMFIER THAN MINE LIKE HOW.

Plussss he was ignoring me for a while and I just missed him, so I had to grab something from him to make me feel better.

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