22 • D I N E R

45 3 11

"Are you blushing Davis?" He teases and I look up at him to see a smile on his lips,

"Why are you so mean?" I ask not answering his teasing question as he sighs.

"Why are you so nice?" he asks and I roll my eyes at him.

"Davis, it's not good to be too nice" he says and I shrug.

"Maybe it is, you just wouldn't know since you don't have a heart"


Warning: Hint of Rape

We all sat in Ares' car

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We all sat in Ares' car. He is such a show off. The interior of his car was black leather lined with white down the middle on all four of the seats. He had red LED lights under the chairs and across the roof of his car was more lights but they were off.

I made Nico sit in the front, next to ares. He might've given me an Oreo McFlurry from McDonald's and I might've said I forgive him. But who says a gal can't have fun?

Sometimes the pettiness in me takes over and I absolutely don't despise it. Nico interrupted our almost kiss, trust me I'm relieved about it. Also a tad annoyed at the fact that he did interrupt it.

Ares came into the room, there was tension and I absolutely should've told him to get out of the room.

Ares is complicated and honestly I don't need complicated.


I walk into Bruce's apartment holding two small cups of hot drinks. One was a pumpkin spice latte with sweet cold foam decorated with little pumpkin sprinkles. Who knew that was a thing. The other one was an apple cider hot cocoa topped with whipped cream.

I close the door of his apartment and Find Bruce sitting on the couch playing his game. The game he's always on. The game he never let's go of. I walk up to him standing beside him kissing his cheek and smile up at him.

"Hey baby"

He looks up at me pauses the game

"What do you want Bella. I'm in the middle of my game."

"I brought you a hot drink. You know since it's cold outside" I say smiling


I frown at his words and begin to give him my fake smile.

"You can choose which one you want. Apple Cider Hot chocolate or Pumpkin spice latte with sweet cold foam?"

"Give me the latte, that other drink sounds horrible" he snatches the drink from me causing it to spill a bit on my hand.

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