40 • H I S • S T O R Y

27 1 3

He hums quietly before sighing, "years ago, I was raped" he starts. Oh... Oh.



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"B-but before that, everything was great. My parents were in love. My father praised me every time I did good in school." he pauses and scoffs pulling me closer

"-Sorry, no my mother forced me into believing Everything was okay. But one day, Dad never came home. I mean why wouldn't you come home? It was your sons birthday. I was alone. Mom always yelled at me when he wasn't around. That same day. My birthday. The day I was excited for because me and my father always made my birthday cake together. That's besides the point though. I was in my room coloring and mom. She just. Walked into my room. In a robe" he says and my eye brows furrow as I play with his hair hoping his breathing won't speed up.

He looks up like he's making sure I'm...Still here? I kiss his cheek letting my lips linger.

"You don't have to do this Ares. You don't have to relive this. You don't need to explain yourself" I whisper and he sighs.

"I know, I just-I've kept this to me for years Davis. I need to tell someone how I feel" he says and I nod.

"Then continue, I'm listening"

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I was just a child. Maybe I deserved it, but on my birthday? The day before my dad had found out that she had slept with many men during her so called 'relationship' with my dad. But when I cried, I whined. When I kept asking about my father. S-she" he stops as his voice cracking at the end and I feel his hands start shaking around me slightly.

"sh-she said I was being annoying asking questions about my father. So she gave me a water, she forced me to drink it and seconds later everything started spinning."

Oh my god

"She laid me down on my own bed and I fell onto it. Still awake, but my body-it was l-like it was numb and I couldn't move. Talk. Or anything. All I could do was cry silently. Tears running down my face" he says as I grab his hands interlocking our fingers

"She g-got on me and-she t-took off... -fuck" he breaths out the last word interrupting himself when his breathing is so fast I can practically hear his heart beating against his chest. She raped him.

That fucking bitch raped him, touched him without his permission. His fucking mother.

"Ash, It's me-I promise it's just me, you're okay" I whisper when he flinches away from me, his eyes close and my eyebrows furrow in concern when he takes my hands off him, he's seeing it again.

"Ares, please listen to my voice" I say and lightly pull my hands out of his grip and holding his face in my hands rubbing his cheeks slowly. "It's just you and me here, please look at me" I whisper feeling my heart tighten in anger and sadness.

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