35 • V A M P I R E

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"Answer my question" Alaric demands

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"Answer my question" Alaric demands

"What question old man?" I ask

"Davis. Can we speak?" Ares asks glaring at me "Privately"

I simply just nod and look at everyone before walking away with him.

As I follow Ares he walks over to this other room making sure no one was following.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" he says

"What?" I question

Ares was being completely rude. Just utterly disrespectful, this is what made me turn off my emotions in the first place. I couldn't deal with the pain that Ares was giving me. The same feeling my dad made me feel when I was with him.

Of course they aren't the same people but when ares speaks like this it completely breaks my heart. He's a complete different person when he's angry.

Aren't we all Bella?

"I told you to not act so god damn stupid Davis"

"I'm sorry. I just I thought-" I say before he cuts me off again

"You were being funny? Sweetheart. I cant be as nice or sweet to you when we're here." He says

"Why not?" I question

"Because if Alaric finds out the fucking shadow hunter leader is falling with a down worlder that could risk everything."

"What do you mean everything? You mean like us or your leadership?"


"But he knows I'm a Phoenix"

"He does and that's why he wants you dead. What he doesn't know is that your also a vampire. He despises anything that has to do with down worlders."

"So what do you want me to do? Pretend I'm normal or go into hiding? I simply will not do that Ares"

"You don't have to. I'm here but I just need you to stop trying to be a smart ass in front of him"

"Okay" I say and simply just nod

We exit the room and make our way back to everyone else

"So what's the plan alaric?" Nico questions

"They'll be at a new spot. They think we don't know about it but little do they know, we do."

"And" Eve says

"I'm getting there don't rush me" Alaric responds

"No need to be so damn bitchy about it" I say annoyed

Ares glares at me and then looks back at Alaric.

"Noon we strike. We head to their location and cut the head off of the main vampire causing every vampire he has turned to die with him"

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