short story 2

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Y/N Pov's
I'm in the Red Room and I'm being trained. I looked around and realize I don't want to be here. I slowly walked backwards to escape unobtrusively. Arriving at the door, I yanked it open and ran. The hallway did not end. I heard sirens and voices calling for me. I looked behind me and there were Widows running after me. But when I looked ahead, there were several men in front of me and Dreykov. He grinned. "You will never escape me, Y/N!" I got goosebumps all over my body and looked for an escape route. However, I was surrounded. I tried to fight against so many Widows and the men. But it was no use, there were too many. I screamed as the men grabbed me and took me away. I was fighting all the time until....

Bucky Pov's
I was sitting in the living room with Steve and Sam until I heard screaming. "Who's that?" asked Sam. I knew immediately who it was and apparently so did Steve. "Y/N, I think." replied Steve. He looked at me and I stood up. I quickly walked to their room. When I yanked open the door, she was curled up in bed. "Go away. No, let go of me!" she was now screaming as well. I quickly walked up to her and tried to wake her up. "Doll, hey! It's all good, it's just a dream!" I tried to wake them up. Several times I had to address her and took her in my arms. When she was awake, she recoiled from me. "Everything is fine, doll. It was just a nightmare." I said to her gently. She nodded and smiled slightly, but was still breathing very fast.

Y/N Pov's
I jerked my eyes open as I woke up and recoiled from the person who woke me up. "It's all good, doll. It was just a nightmare." an all too familiar voice told me. I looked at the person and realized it was Bucky. Who else would come to me so quickly? I smiled slightly and tried to calm down. Bucky stood up and gestured that he wanted to leave. I said softly. "No, please stay." He heard it anyway and nodded. Smiling, he said, "Well, make some room for a 100 year old man to lie down." I smiled even more and slid a bit. He lay down next to me and took me in his arms. I lay down with my head on his chest. His heartbeat calmed me and he said softly. "As long as you're with me, no one will hurt you, doll." With that, I fell asleep with Bucky.

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