short story 17

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"Y/N is so annoying, how do you guys put up with her?" asked Sharon, looking at Bucky and Steve. The boys looked at each other in confusion and she continued talking.

"Whenever she sees you, Bucky, she gets excited and calls out 'Buckyyyyy' and gives you a hug. It's annoying, and with you Steve, she said 'Stevie.' I mean, she's not a kid anymore, so she's supposed to act like an adult."

I sat next to Bucky and thought I wasn't hearing right. I had headphones in, but still heard everything. But before any of the guys could answer, I said something to her.
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," I said to her, annoyed.
But she looked at me annoyed.
"Then leave."

I laughed lightly because I had to pull myself together not to use my powers. My eyes must be glowing purple by now.
"I told you so," I said to Steve, looking at him.
Bucky put his hand on my leg to reassure me.

"What did you tell him? That you are a liar!" she said angrily.
That's when it was all over with me and I told her to her face.
"No, that you're a stupid talking bitch."
She looked at me angrily. After getting no response from Steve, she got up and left.

"If you go after her now, everything will repeat itself," I said to Steve, annoyed.
Bucky nodded and grinned.
"And why are you grinning, Buck?" asked Steve, annoyed.
"Because my girlfriend and I were right and you wouldn't listen to us." said Bucky, standing up.

"Let's go for a walk, doll?" He looked at me lovingly and I nodded.
"It won't stop at a walk, with you two," Steve said with a laugh.
Bucky and I grinned knowingly at each other and yes, he's right, it won't stop there.
It's too boring, isn't it?

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