short story 35

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I just came back from training with Yelena and I went to the kitchen to get her and me some water.

"Here." said I, handing Yelena her water.
"Thank you." She answered me and took it.
"Y/N do you already have someone for tonight?" Wanda asked me.
"Did you ask him?" asked Nat.
I was taking a sip when they both asked me that and of course I choked.

After coughing a few times, I answered them.
"Um... Sort of, yeah."
But all three of them didn't look convinced.
"How did you ask him?" pecked Yelena.
"I... Um... Well, I asked him if he was free tonight and he said no. He said he was doing something with the guys." I answered very quickly.

I flopped down on the couch next to Wanda and Nat grinned.
"Why are you acting like that now, Natasha?" asked Wanda.
Yelena started grinning as well. I looked at both of them along with Wanda in confusion.

"We'll help him out a little bit," Nat said.
"If he'd rather do something with the boys, let him do it," I said, annoyed.
"But that would be boring." said Yelena, whining.
"My love life is not for you guys to have entertainment." I said annoyed and only got a laugh back.

I picked up my cell phone and stopped listening to them.
"There's the gentleman I'm going out with tonight," Nat said and I looked up.
The gentleman Nat meant was Steve I think because behind him came Bucky and Sam.
"Oh I didn't know you were really going out with Y/N now." Sam teased Bucky.
Bucky, however, looked at Sam and then at us in confusion. Before he could say anything, Yelena spoke.
"Nah Bucky don't. We mean Steve." she said with a grin and everyone looked at Steve. I was confused and Bucky looked slightly pissed.

"Are you jealous Bucky?" asked Yelena, her grin only getting bigger.
"No." he said and walked into the kitchen.
"Well then, nothing will get in the way of tonight. I'll pick you up at eight." said Steve, nodding at me. He then went into the kitchen as well and from the kitchen we heard Bucky and Steve discussing.

"Doll!" I heard from the kitchen and an angry Bucky came running out of the kitchen into the living room. Behind him came Steve, who couldn't hide his grin.
"Be ready at 7:30, I'll pick you up and you won't go there with anyone else." he said seriously, so all I could do was nod. For him, the nod was not enough confirmation.

"Did you get that?" he said in a tone where I thought I was about to melt.
"Yes." I just managed to get out.
He nodded and grinned, because I think he noticed now what effect he has on me.

Bucky and Y/N short storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن