short story 45

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Bucky's POV
Steve, Sam and Nat are trying to set Y/N and me up. They know I like her and they told me several times that she likes me too. But what they did now I never thought I would do.

Y/N and I sat on a picnic blanket and looked at the others in confusion. They brought us both here blindfolded. The three of them were standing farther away from us and they all had a microphone. I looked at Y/N and she laughed. "This can't end well." she said and I agreed with her laughing.

"Percussion." said Sam.
"Strings." said Natasha.
"Horns." said Sam again.
"She touches you,
But doesn't touch you at all.
Move closer and then you'd better get closer to her.
And you don't know how?
You see her vis-à-vis,
And all you can think is:
"Kiss her," Steve sang.
Y/N and I looked at each other confused, probably thinking the same thing. Why are they doing this?

"Yes, you want them.
It couldn't be clearer.
And she'd love to be yours
And you're getting even closer.
Leave out the words
All the words away
Go ahead and kiss her," Steve sang on.

And then all three of them sang on together.
"Shalalalala, mei-oh-mei
Doesn't he care for her?
Oh, boy, kiss her
Shalalalala, take my advice
Don't be so shy
What a pity
No one kisses her anymore."
Y/N was getting redder and redder. I think she's as uncomfortable with this as I am. I put my hand on hers and she smiled at me in thanks.

"Grab a heart, man." sang Steve.
Sam and Nat sang, "Uhuhuh..."
"This is the opportunity.
Just the two of you here together,
The time has come.
And she don't say a word
Not a single word.
Hurry up."
All three sang in turn;
"Kiss her."

I thought it couldn't get any worse, but they still managed to do it.
"Schalalalalala," sang Sam and Nat together and Steve sang
"Take heart.
The moment is good
Do it already,"
"Kiss her," all three sang together.
And it went on and on.

"Schalalalala, don't give up
She's just waiting
A little kiss, a little kiss, a little kiss
Shalalalala, kiss her right away
It's really easy
You know it, kiss her
Shalalalala, kiss her
Listen to the melody
She's tellin' you, "Kiss her, kiss her"
Kiss her, kiss her
Kiss her
Kiss her
Go ahead and
Kiss her
You can do it" they sang together.
And Sam at the end "Kiss her yet".

I didn't look very enthusiastically at the three of them and Y/N put a hand on my chest to calm me down. "It was a nice gesture from them... But just the picnic would have been enough..." she said first to me and then to the others. "We just wanted to help you guys out a bit." said Steve, smiling. Before Sam could say anything, Natasha pulled the two boys away, leaving us alone.

"I'm sorry, I told Nat that I would like to go on a picnic, but I don't dare ask you..." she explained shyly and I had to smile. I put a hand to her cheek, lifting her head so she looked at me.
"You didn't know they were doing this, doll," I said lovingly. "If I had known, I never would have said that." she said, laughing lightly.

"But I think it's nice to be here with you," she said, looking me in the eye. I looked into her eyes as well, but my gaze also shifted to her lips. "You may kiss me, Bucky." breathed Y/N smiling at me and not a second later I kissed this stunningly beautiful girl with a wide smile.
I never wanted to let go of her at that moment and forever after.

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