short story 5

388 11 3

Y/N's Pov
We sat next to each other and we talked. Along the way we ate strawberries, cookies and chocolate.
A few days ago, Bucky asked me to go on a picnic with him, to a small lake. And it looks so beautiful and magical here.

He got quieter and I started to wonder what was going on. Whether I had done something wrong?
He smiled at me, though, as I reached for his right hand.
Something is wrong, or he wouldn't be so quiet and....
OMG James Buchanan Barnes is nervous!
But why?
I looked at him more closely and considered.
He, on the other hand, was looking at the water and it now looked like he was thinking about what to say.

I gently stroked his hand and rested my head on his shoulder.
"What's wrong, Bucky?" I asked softly.
"Nothing, just thinking." he said just as quietly.
"Something happened or you wouldn't be so pensive." I tried to get it out of him gently.
But he remained silent, so I tried to use my powers. I tried to read his mind.

Bucky's mind
"How am I going to ask her? Will she say yes then? Just ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend! But she may misunderstand, or she may not want anything serious. She may think it's just friendly..."

I already had to grin slightly, because it's so sweet that he's concerned about it. But I wanted to give him an answer to that.
"Yes, I want to be your girlfriend, Bucky." I said with a smile.
He smiled and then grinned at me.
"And I get to touch you too then?" he asked with a grin and put his hand on my thigh.
"Yes." I said smiling.
"And I get to kiss you?"
"In front of other people. I don't just mean strangers, but people we know."
"And if anyone asks me if you are my girlfriend. Then I can say;
'Yes, Y/N is my girlfriend.' "
"Yes." I said laughing lightly.
"All right, then it's official." said Bucky happily.
He pulled me towards him and kissed me.

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