short story 19

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I went to Bucky's room to tell him the good news. I made a special effort so that we could go on the upcoming mission together.

I heard voices or something from his room as I stood in front of it. I didn't think anything of it though and when I opened the door like I always did with him. "No, Y/N don't." I heard a male voice call out meanwhile.
But I already had the door open and saw something I never wanted to experience.

I stared at the two and for the first few seconds no one noticed me. But I must have let out a scream, because suddenly both Bucky and the woman looked at me. She grinned and didn't get off him, while Bucky looked at me in shock. He tried to get her off him and was frantically saying things, but I barely understood.

I only understood "Doll... It's not like that... Let me tell you...", but I never understood the end of the sentence. He came towards me and I dodged him. He tried several times until I was in the hallway against the wall. Now I saw Steve trying to keep Bucky away from me, but he only got angry at Steve.

Nat came over to me and pulled me along with her.
"It's all right, little one." she said or something.
I was in a daze, seeing only him with her, over and over.

Bucky's POV
I didn't want it to come to that, but we didn't get the information we needed otherwise. Nothing happened that was intimate. I was incredibly angry at Steve because I let him, Sam and Sharon talk me into it. The agent working for two sides was into me, otherwise someone else would have done it.

I never wanted to hurt Y/N, just the thought broke my heart. But they promised me that they would stop her or distract her. Because she wasn't going to come back until evening. But apparently everyone was too stupid for that.

I looked for Y/N after giving her time to process it. It was two hours and in those I almost lost patience. I yelled at Steve, Sam and Sharon in that time and thought about how to explain it to her. Also how I could make it up to her if possible.

I went to her and sat down next to her on the grass. She was sitting out by the lake, looking stubbornly straight ahead.
"I'm sorry, doll," I began softly.
But there was no response.
I took a deep breath in and out.
"Why?" she asked quietly suddenly, continuing to look straight ahead.
I was looking just as straight ahead now.
"I got talked into it and I know it's not an excuse for what I did," I explained to her.
She still didn't look at me.

"The agent had important information for the upcoming mission and didn't give it out. I should try then by talking to her alone."
I exhaled loudly before continuing to speak.
"I never meant for it to come to this, but she caught me off guard and spoke while I was doing it. Right before you came in, she had said everything we needed to know. Then I tried to push her away, but she stabbed me in the side," I said quietly.

She suddenly looked at me in surprise. I looked at her in confusion and then she spoke again.
"What did she do?" she asked in a voice that showed she wanted revenge.
I tried to reassure her.
"It's all good, doll. It was just a little one and nothing bad." I said and took her hand.
"Nothing bad? She could have killed you." she said, tears running down her face.

I wiped them away and was about to speak further, but she hugged me. I was briefly surprised, but then I pulled her very close to me. Nothing would fit between us anymore and I put my face in the crook of her neck.
"Please don't ever do that again, Bucky. I don't think everyone will survive then." she said, laughing lightly at the end.
"I promise, but will you forgive me? I never meant to hurt you, doll." said I softly.
"Forgiven. I love you, Bucky." she said softly.
"I love you, doll."

Bucky and Y/N short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora