short story 30

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It was one of those days where I don't feel so good and have my strawberry week. Actually I didn't want to do anything today, but the party at the Avengers was coming up and I promised my dad and Nat that I would take care of the decorations and drinks.

So now I'm standing here in the hall making sure everything is going right.
"Y/N, where do you want this thing? What is that anyway?" asked Vision.
I spun around and looked at him, first confused and then knowing.
"That used to be a garland. But apparently it's a clump now. Um, do we have another one?" I asked him.
"No, this is the last one, sorry. I didn't know how to break those up." He looked at me apologetically and I considered what we should do now as an alternative.
"Anyway, it'll just have to go without." I said and was about to continue speaking when I heard someone else say my name.

"Miss Stark?" I turned in that direction and saw a man with several drinks stacked in front of him. I just felt overwhelmed because at the same moment Sam and Steve came in and wanted something from me as well.
"Um... um..." was the only thing I could get out.

But suddenly I felt a hand on my back and a closeness that I loved too much and calmed me.
"The drinks are supposed to go to the bar, back there. I'll show you in a minute." said Bucky to the man, then turned to Sam and Steve.
"And the string of lights is supposed to go in the photo corner on the wall." They both grinned and then headed toward the photo corner.

I watched the two of them until my attention was drawn to him by Bucky.
"You don't have to do this all by yourself, Doll. You know that too!" he said with a smile.
"I didn't think anyone was listening to me when I told you the plan yesterday." I said softly, getting lost in his eyes, once again.
He laughed lightly and then said.
"It wasn't easy to follow the plan, which you had rejected at least 50 times. But I always listen to you, you do the same with me."
"Yes, but I'm not used to someone else doing it too," I said again quietly.
"Yes I do. But I have to go to the bar now so I can show the master where the drinks go. If you need anything, let me know or I'll save you again." he said with a grin and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
I looked after him as if in a trance.

*6 hours later*

Bucky accompanied me to my room and I told him about the discussion with Steve and that Sam then changed from Steve's side to mine. He also joined me in my room where we talked for quite a while.
We both sat on my bed and I realized I was getting tired. I laid my head on his chest and he put his arm around me.
He pulled me closer to him and started to wrap a strand of my hair around his finger.

"Could you... "I started to ask.
"Stay with me until I fall asleep?"
"I'll always stay with you, doll." he said as softly as I did.
I noticed my eyelids were getting heavier, but he still made me smile.
"And I'll always stay with you, Buck..." I said softly before I fell asleep.
I felt another kiss on the top of my head and then fell asleep soundly in Bucky's arms.

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