short story 41

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We had to complete a mission where Bucky and I had to do something individually. Bucky did not like this and I was not comfortable with it either. But we had to do it.

I was just getting on the jet when Bucky called out to me.
"Doll!" I looked at him questioningly.
"Be careful!" he called out to me and I nodded with a smile.
"Don't worry, careful is my middle name," I said with a grin.

He laughed lightly.
"We'll see you again afterwards, doll."
"We'll go to the movies after." I said with a smile and he nodded with a grin.

*after mission*

I just landed with the jet and walked with the bag in the direction where everyone was standing.
"Hey guys, look what I got!" I said with a grin and held up the bag.

But when Steve turned and looked at me as if someone had died, I looked at him in confusion.
"What's..." That's as far as I got, because he walked toward me.
"Y/N..." he began quietly. But as he walked towards me, I saw someone lying on the floor.

I immediately recognized who it was and dropped the bag. I immediately ran to him.
"Bucky... honey..." I started crying and took him in my arms.
"You can't die. We made a promise, didn't we?" I cried into his chest where I couldn't feel a breath or a heartbeat.

"Hey, Y/N. We need to get him out of here." Natasha tried to explain to me.
"No, I need more time," I yelled at her.
"You've been sitting here for hours, he needs to be buried." She tried to get me away from Bucky with Yelena. Sam and Steve then took Bucky and put him on a gurney.

"I can't. I can't live without him. He is my soul mate. He is my heart. He is my air. He is my life..." I continue crying in Yelena's arms.
"He is always with you! You carry him on in your hearts, Y/N."

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