short story 14

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Bucky and I were watching a show and I was getting new snacks.
"Doll?" asked Bucky.
"Yesss?" I asked back.
I ran back to him with two bowls of different snacks.
He took one bowl from me and then continued talking.
"Can we have a baby, doll?" he asked me in his sweet voice.
I didn't even pay attention to what he was asking at first, but when he speaks in that voice, he wants something badly.
"Excuse me?" I was confused.
He laughed lightly and repeated what he said.
"Can we have one baby or two?"
I thought, I have to explain to him now how this works.
"I know this kind of thing doesn't work right away," he added.
And with that, I was at least a little reassured. He looked at me with a smile and waited for my answer.
"Well, if we take our time and only have two kids, then yes," I said with a smile.
He was happy and kissed me.

*6 years later*

I stood in the kitchen and made breakfast.
I lowered the table and waited for everyone to come down. Bucky wanted to do it alone today and told me to just make breakfast. I had to laugh when I heard that this morning.
"Morning Mom." I heard a boy's voice behind me.
"Morning Liam, where is your brother?" I asked him. He sat down at the table and put the cups all down.
"He's helping dad. I had to laugh too much when I saw what they were doing." he said laughing.
I had to grin and nodded. I put the drinks on the table as well when I saw the others coming down too.
"Morning Mom." came quietly, loudly and saying normal one after the other.
"Morning Amy, Lexie and James." laughing lightly.
"Where did you guys leave your dad?" I inquired.
"He'll be here in a minute, he has to finish dressing Noah." said James.

All three sat down as well and I gave them the pancakes. Not even 4 minutes later I heard the last two come down.
Bucky gave me Noah and sat down next to me. I gave him a kiss. "You handled that very well, better than last time." I said laughing and the boys joined in.
"I had good support too." and smiled at the boys.

Only two children became five. When we were pregnant the first time, we were expecting twins. They were Liam and James, they are now four years old.
After that we got pregnant again, with Lexie, she is three years old.
And then we had Amy, she came along just under two years later. She's one and a half. And finally, a few months ago, Noah came along. We're really happy that it all worked out so smoothly. It wasn't easy, but we did it together.
And when I see how Bucky deals with them and plays together. It was one of the best decisions we ever made.

He goes up even more as a father.
With the girls he plays princess and dresses up.
With the boys, he has adventures outside and plays soccer.
The boys also play tea parties with the girls or the girls play soccer with. So as far as it goes. But everyone looks out for each other.
"Just two kids, huh." I said quietly to Bucky.
Bucky grinned at me and was cutting a pancake.
"You love them and our life." he said grinning.
I nodded with a smile.

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