short story 3

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Y/N's Pov
I was trying to sleep in my bed until I heard my name.
"Y/N?" an all too familiar voice said to me. I turned around and saw Bucky.
"What?" I asked, annoyed and tired.
"Can I sleep over?" he asked.
I thought he was messing with me. But he closed the door and came closer to me.
"No." I answer annoyed.
"Why not?" he asked, confused.
"Because I'm trying to sleep."
"Then we can try to sleep together, doll." he said grinning.
"No, we can't," I contradicted him.
"Your dad's not here anymore, so he won't notice."
I turned without saying anything and tried to pretend Bucky wasn't there.

*Bucky's mind*
Oh, doll. That was a bad decision.

Y/N's Pov
My bed was moving. Not his serious, now? He lay down in bed with me.
"Wait, what are you doing? No, Bucky, if..." I said but Bucky interrupted me.
I still tried to slide away, but he put an arm around me.
"Stop it's fine." he said now annoyed and pulled me to him.
"I really hate you sometimes," I muttered to myself.
"I love you too, doll." he said smiling.

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