short story 12

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Bucky's POV
I'm sitting on the couch in the living room with Steve and Wanda. Sam and Vision are in the kitchen cooking. I saw my cell phone Y/N and wanted to know if she was taken.
"Y/N..." I started quietly.
"Is she dating anyone?" I quietly asked Steve.
"No. Why?" asked Steve, still looking at his phone.
"Wait, what did you ask?" asked Wanda to me.
"Nothing important." I said disinterestedly.
"He wanted to know if Y/N was seeing anyone therefore." said Steve, looking up for a moment.
I saw that only then did he realize what I was asking.
"You like Y/N." said Steve, grinning.
"Shut up, Steve." I said, annoyed.
"Oh, Bucky, you can say it." said Wanda now smiling.

I just ran into the living room and heard Wanda say something.
"What do you want Bucky to say?", I asked, confused and curious.
He looked at me as uncertainly, but tried to hide it.
"That he likes someone." said Wanda, grinning.
"And who?" I asked, sitting down next to Wanda. I smiled at him because I wanted to know.

"This can get exciting now." said Steve and an over-excitement came over Bucky.
"Is it Sharon or Nat?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from sounding sad.
When he didn't answer, I dropped back and exhaled loudly.
"The woman just dropped." said Bucky, and when I looked up, I saw him looking at me with a grin.
"You like me?" I asked, overwhelmed, and quickly sat up.

He nodded slowly and I jumped into his arms, or rather his lap.
He wrapped his arms around me and put his head in the crook of my neck.
I said softly to him
"I like you a lot too."

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