short story 4

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Bucky's Pov
"Tell me James, is there anything new about Y/N?" I didn't want to talk about that.
"Well, we can invite them over sometime, then they can..."
"What do you want them to do with that?" I asked, annoyed.
"I want them to admit something to themselves."
"And what?" I asked, even more annoyed now. She exhaled loudly and seemed annoyed slowly too. So why are we still talking about this?
"That they love Y/N, still incident, right?" Silence fell, "You should answer me honestly, please, James."
I took a deep breath. "Yes, I love her."
"Then you should tell her that..."
"She hates me."
"How would you know?"
"She doesn't come to our meetings at the café anymore," I said, annoyed.
"Have you tried calling her?"
I nodded.
"But I didn't get an answer, she didn't pick up, and she doesn't answer messages."
"Did you ever go to see her to talk to her in person? After all, it's been 2 months."
"No, I wanted to give her time."
"Then my advice to you James, do this to make her nightmares stop. She will believe you and forgive you if she really loves you. That's what true love has in it."

1 day later

Y/N's Pov
I sat on the dock by the lake and dangled my legs in the water. I was enjoying the sun and leaving a book. Until I heard my name called.
"Y/N? There's someone here for you!" My mom called out. I got up and walked to the house. When I walked into the living room, Morgan smiled at me. "He's here, all because of you. Can we still play three of us later though, like last time?" she asked me, but I was confused, who was Morgan talking about?
I walked into the hallway and saw Bucky standing there with flowers in his hand. He was talking to my mom.
"There you are, I was beginning to think you didn't hear me." she said laughing lightly.
I smiled slightly at her until I looked to Bucky who was also smiling.
"We'll leave you guys alone to talk in peace." she said and walked out with Morgan.
Not her serious, I didn't want to talk to him.
I showed her that too when she left and she gestured for me to talk to him.

So I turned around and asked:
"Who are the flowers for?"
"For you, I wanted to apologize to you." he said and gave me the flowers.
"White roses, you remembered which ones I like." I said smiling as I opened them.
"I won't forget this, doll." he said and followed me into the living room.
"You said you wanted to apologize? For what?" I asked him now.
"For what you saw on the videos. I..." he started, but I interrupted him.
"James, it's not your fault. It wasn't you, it was the Winter Soldier." I said, smiling at him encouragingly.
He looked confused.
"Why did you stop coming to our meetings and answering me, if that's how you see it?" he asked, confused.
"It took me time to realize that. After all, in the video you killed my grandparents." I said quietly.
He came closer and lifted my head up so I was looking at him.
"I'm still sorry, doll. If I could take it back, I would." he said.
"I know. I should have believed you and not thought like everyone else. I love you, Bucky." I said softly and he smiled.
"And I love you, doll." he said softly and kissed me.

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