short story 46

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We were all sitting outside and already had a drink or two. We secluded ourselves from the actual party and played various drinking games.

To be precise, only Nat, Yelena, Sam, Steve, Peter and Bucky were outside. I sat next to Yelena and Peter. Bucky sat across from me next to Steve and Sam. I could feel his gaze on me the whole time and when I looked to him, he still kept staring.

Sam told me that he didn't quite agree with what I was wearing. It would be an outfit that screams 'take me' and he doesn't agree with that. But I did it specifically because that's what I wanted him to do. To have his attention on me.

"Now we ask questions and the first one to answer it correctly wins, everyone else drinks." said Peter, smiling to the group. "That's a good idea." Yelena said and Sam just shook his head. "Are we four or what?" he said looking at Peter. "I'm in, Peter." I said smiling at him and the look on Bucky's face became more serious than before.

"Then started, Y/N." said Steve and Nat grinned at me too. "Okay... What's the biggest scar on my body?" I asked with a grin.
Peter grinned. "The biggest scar? On your leg."
"Which leg? It's a bonus question." I said, grinning.

"Left." said Bucky, grinning and everyone looked from me to Bucky and back. I blushed and just took another sip of my drink. "How do you know which leg her scar is on?" asked Peter Bucky and he started to grin but said nothing. "Oh, that's right, you weren't there when that happened." said Yelena with a grin.

"What happened?" he asked, looking around the room and lingering on me. I held back, however, than just tell him what happened. "Bucky and Y/N are having an affair." Steve explained, shaking his head slightly when me and Bucky still didn't make a move. "What?" he asked, surprised.
"Yeah, and they're not quiet right now either." added Natasha. "You'll find out for yourself tonight," Sam said with a grin. "It's best to take headphones." said Yelena to Peter.

"Ey, now don't exaggerate Yel." I said, trying to defend myself and Bucky. But Bucky just grinned and I looked at him to stop agreeing with the others. "Oh, but everyone agrees with me on that." said Yelena pointing at everyone. "Bucky..." said I plaintively.
"I can't help it that we harmonize so well, doll." said Bucky grinning and licking his lips.

The rest of the evening his eyes burned on me and when I said I was going to sleep, Bucky followed me. "I mean it I'm going to sleep, Bucky." But he stood in front of me and grinned at me. He didn't take me completely seriously and said quietly. "Then I'll go to sleep with you." After that a kiss followed and it didn't stay only a kiss....

Bucky and Y/N short storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon