short story 39

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Bucky's POV
I just came in for lunch with Sam when Y/N gave me a warning look.
I didn't think anything of it at first, because I don't know or I don't think I did anything that would make her look at me like that.

I was just sitting down at the table when I heard Steve.
"Bucky, we need to talk!" he said in a serious tone.
I looked at him questioningly, looking annoyed and serious.

"What's rule number two?" he asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Don't hurt anyone, especially Stark's daughter," I said, annoyed.
Sam grinned, Natasha looked equally serious, and Y/N looked overwhelmed.

"And rule number one?" asked Steve, becoming even more serious.
"Rule number one? Don't sleep with the newest member of the Avengers." I replied, giving him a wait-and-see look.
"Which I didn't break," I added with a grin.

"The one you didn't break? Oh and how you have it!" said Steve sourly, looking from me to Y/N and then back to me.
"Oh Bucky you are so in deep shit." laughed Sam.
I, however, was not impressed.
"We've seen you guys, you disappear together and reappear together most of the time. It's noticeable after a while." explained Natasha.

I looked at Y/N, who could no longer suppress a grin, and so a grin flitted across my face as well. Just thinking about what we did this morning, I would take her right back to repeat that.
"I didn't break the rule, Y/N is fine," I explained with a grin.

"It's not about that, Buck. It's about you breaking the first rule," Steve said, annoyed.
"No, he didn't, because I joined the Avengers before Peter and that means the newest Avengers is Peter. And if he had anything with him, he would break the rule." explained Y/N with a grin.

"So you're not even denying it?" inquired Sam.
Y/N looked at me smiling and I knew it was okay from her to confirm.
"No, why would we? If I'm honest, nothing better could have ever happened to me. Why don't you look at her, but I don't share. So you better keep your hands off her, because she's my girl!" I explained and put my hand in hers. She was beaming all over. I didn't think it would get any bigger, her smile.

"You can't keep them away from each other anyway, and as long as they don't make an Upsi, it's all good." Natasha then said to Steve.
He looked at me and shook his head.
"I better not regret it!" he said to Y/N and me.
"So an Upsi would be cute after all." said Sam.
"Don't give her any ideas, Sam!" said Steve sourly.
"Oh yeah, that would be very cute." I heard Y/N say dreamily.
"But for now, please don't, or I'll have to share and I don't want to yet, doll."

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