Poni island arrival part 2-First impressions

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The class stood there stunned by the battle that just occurred. Not only did Archie swiftly defeat Golurk but he did so without taking a single hit. So what Y/n said next was shocking.
Y/n:Hey guys let's go to the Pokemon center.
Lillie:Why? Archie didn't get hit by a single attack?
Y/n:Well, that may be the case but he still had to break through the ground which also meant he had to break through the tough exterior of those weird as hell radishes. So he must have exhausted a lot of energy and I just wanted to make sure that he was alright.
The group believes this to be a good reason to head back so they do. Once the doors of the Pokemon center slide open they see a trainer they didn't think they would see so soon. Hapu. The tiny girl looks up and when her eyes meet with Y/n, red hot fury emerges as she runs over to then and begins pounding on his legs as she isn't tall enough to reach his chest.
Hapu:Why?! Why did you have to hurt Golurk like that you jerk?! And you ruined my grandfather's farm!
Y/n didn't seem fazed as he lazily grabs the girl by the back of her collar and picked her up before setting her back on the ground away from him. He then walked past the girl to where Nurse joy was and handed her Archie and after a quick 2 minute checkup she determined that he was fine. He them made his way to the exit when Hapu yelled at him.
Hapu:Aren't you going to apologize?!
Y/n:I came to this island for one purpose only. And I don't have time to waste on you.
And with that, he left. The girl huffed with annoyance as she went to the corner of the building and vented her angry by ruthlessly eating chunks of radishes. The group seemed shocked at Y/n's actions but quickly dismissed their shock when they knew what Y/n meant by his purpose of coming to the island. Well except Kiawe and Sophocles. Anyway the group went to talk with Hapu and the girl deemed them good enough to talk to. They seemed to get along as Hapu then asked a serious question.
Hapu:You guys are so nice. How can you associate yourselves with a jerk like that?
Lillie:He isn't that bad once you get to-
Hapu:Someone like that has no sense of good in them! He is one of the worst human beings I have ever seen!
The group nervously turned to Lillie and they could see a vein bulging from her head as she slammed her hand on the table.
Lillie:You know nothing about Y/n! He has suffered much more than you and he is the greatest and kindest person I know.
Hapu:No he hasn't! I lost my grandfather and he-
Lillie:And Y/n lost his father, who meant everything to him, and almost faced death trying to save me. No! Saving the entirety of Alola! So you watch your mouth!
Lillie then stormed off in the direction that Y/n went as Hapu huffed in annoyance and collected her Pokemon before leaving the stunned group.

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