Chapter 7: The Past And Future

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Sarah Scott

Both women went into the Scott Residence. Evie looks pleased with how the mission ended. Even for Sarah, it was a pleasant night. All the time she and her sister have been in London they had to act like proper ladies and entrepreneurs. It was boring most of the time. Sarah would have loved to get into the field, but Starrick had eyes and ears everywhere.

"Want some tea?" Sarah asks as they put the chest in the hallway. Evie sighed a bit and eventually shakes her head.

"No, thank you. If you don't mind, I'd love to have a peak inside. After all the trouble, I need to know what's inside," Evie says with excitement.

Sarah already knew what is in the chest. She heard from Clara where it came from. It didn't take her long to connect the dots. Even so, she wasn't entirely sure what kind of answers Kenway's notes and notebooks would hold. Hopefully something useful.

"Well, don't mind me. I will put on a kettle while you nose your way through the treasure chest," Sarah says as she went to the kitchen. She heard the chest open and a few exciting sounds were coming from Evie. It made her smile. That girl is sweet and innocent, in a certain way.

"Sarah! It's filled with notes from Edward Kenway!" Evie says excitedly. Rapid footsteps came her way as she heard Evie walking. It seems she is already engrossed in a particular notebook. The design matches what her mother talked about. There must be some answers in there.

"Found anything interesting?" Sarah asked as she put the kettle on the fire. "I just started looking through it, but it talks about the Piece of Eden. This is it, Sarah! We'll be able to find it."

"Excellent news, dear Evie. However, the papers and notebook will not go anywhere. Shall we take a seat at the table? I believe you had a few questions for me," Sarah says as the kettle starts to whistle. Evie flushed a bit, nodding in response. It seems she forgot about the whole talk she wanted when she saw what they had taken.

"Right. Tea sounds wonderful after all," Evie says as she closes the book. She seems a bit more nervous than before. Her fingers are even absentmindedly fiddling with the notebook. Cute, Sarah thought.

"Tell me, what's on your mind," Sarah asks as she set the cups down. Evie takes a deep breath. "Well, you, most of the time. It's clear you're attracted to me, but I don't understand why. How does this even work?"

"It works like any other relationship, Evie. When I think of having a serious relationship it always is with a woman, not a man. What difference does it make which gender I love?"

"Uhm, you know... we... uh," Evie tries to say but seems only to become red and embarrassed.

"You mean how do two women have intercourse?"

Evie nods softly, drinking from her tea in the hope to hide her red face behind something. Or perhaps to distract herself a bit. What an innocent woman, Sarah thought happily.

"Well, I am by no means well versed in bed activities, but we are able to make love. Of course, we can't have children."

"Isn't that the whole point? Wouldn't you like to experience pregnancy, to have your own child?" Evie asks.

"I saw it with Olivia. I am not sure if I would enjoy the process. I have to admit, the large belly was quite funny to see. The pain at the end... I don't think I like to experience it, Evie."


"Olivia was married young, but her husband died shortly after Clara was born. A gang fight, I believe, but her husband was not near her often. To be honest, I never knew what Olivia saw in the man. It wasn't a happy time for our family. I had to take care of both of them. Olivia wasn't in a good place mentally. Clara had to be taken care of too. We managed, luckily, and now here we are."

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