Chapter 13: Explaining The Past

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Sarah Scott

Completely blank. Her mind was completely blank ever since she wanted to help the man. Sarah glances at the gagged unconscious man in the back of the cart. From what Evie has explained, she was stealing money in St. James park and... was affectionate with a man? She never would have done it willingly which means it must be true about mind control.

As the deep night rolled around they were transporting the gagged man to the police. The whole thing should be put to rest. Evie made sure he could never again use his hypnosis on anyone else. To that end, she even took the watch away. She says something about wanting to study it closer. Sarah had no qualms about it. She was just happy to be in control again. However, what Evie told her made Sarah very happy...

"You charged right after me?" Sarah asked with a smile. She finds it very romantic and heartwarming.

"Yes," Evie says with redder cheeks, "I mean, I confessed that I wanted us to be an item. I even bought a bouquet of lilies for you... but I mistakenly confessed to Olivia. When I came to your home, I thought only you would be there. Olivia was quite stunned as I said the words."

Olivia was smiling from ear to ear as she leans into the flustered Evie. Her left arm went around her shoulders to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. Evie lets out a shaky breath as she glances at Sarah.

"I would very much like for us to be an item. It makes me so happy! Oh, Evie, I am glad to have met you," Sarah says, snuggling into her.

"Yes, it's hard not to like you, Sarah. I hope we will grow even closer. That's, uhm, why we should, no, must be open with each other. Who is Maria?"

Sarah tenses up for a second before she sighs deeply. Her gaze lingers on the road as she thought about it. Evie must have heard it from somewhere. Not Olivia who swore not to talk about it. Clara doesn't even know about her. It must have come from somewhere in the Brotherhood. Something came from Italy probably.

"You heard about her?" Sarah asks as she detached herself from Evie. "Yes. Henry heard of a letter concerning her disappearance in Italy. It also said you were together. What happened?"

"In Italy, I studied many things of the past. Ezio, his sister, Templars, and their methods. To learn from the past to better the future. Or that's what I believe anyway," Sarah starts to explain.

"Maria was assigned to me and Olivia. She guided us through the many cities; Rome, Florence, Palermo, and many more. It was a great time even if we had to fight the Templars at times. Maria even taught Italian to me and Olivia."

"It caused you to... fall for her? Traveling with her and seeing all of Italy must have been encouraging," Evie says softly as the carriage slowed down to a leisurely pace. A nodding Sarah responds.

"Yes. I was young, naïve, and believed I could change everything with a flick of the blade or passionate words. Maria was a lot like me back in the day. Fiery and passionate. Over time we became close. It was not to last, unfortunately. We came to one of the towns we thought we liberated from the Templars... It was in chaos and small riots took place."

"I was shocked, of course. Olivia and I took it as a sign that we probably didn't do right by the people. Maria didn't want to hear it and chalked it up to bad luck. I guess that was the first crack. It was repeated again and again when we visited each town or city. Not all were in utter chaos, but damage was done either way," Sarah explains further. Her hands were tightly held together as she explained the past. Evie snakes a comforting arm around the shoulder of Sarah. Her gaze is distant as she went through her memories.

"We argued. It was... unpleasant. Maria said things such as 'You don't love me.' 'You were just a plaything.' I think you can guess I felt hurt, and pain inside me. I cared for her Evie. We were soon leaving for England again. I hoped I could talk to her before I left, but she left without leaving a trace. Leaving me forever. I am not sure where she went, but I picked up the pieces and went back home. In the years that followed, I focused on my sister and niece. That's basically what happened in broad strokes."

"I am sorry that happened to you, Sarah. I won't do that to you. A little argument won't stop me from seeing you. Jacob and I have plenty of experience in that field. You do not have to worry," Evie says softly while stroking the increasingly exhaustive Sarah.

"Thank you, Evie. I am trying..." Sarah says before she fell asleep, leaning against Evie.

Evie Frye

Evie carried Sarah to the door. The woman was sleeping soundly ever since she fell asleep on the cart. It is no wonder, she must have been slaving away unknowingly for the man. Evie searched the house and found plenty of stolen items, money, and other items. Sarah wasn't the first probably, but she must have been the most talented. Either way, the moment she finished her story it was close to three AM. She deserved some sleep, Evie thought.

The man in question was locked away and will hopefully rot away in a cell somewhere. Evie was also curious to see if the watch was special or just a silver watch. It is curious that such fine control can be achieved. Evie was definitely curious, but it could wait for another time. She wanted to catch some sleep too. It was an action-packed day.

Evie manages to manoeuvre her hand skilfully to slide the key into the keyhole, opening the door and closing it behind her. The first thing she did was walk up the stairs to Sarah's bedroom. The woman should be comfortable while asleep. After all is said and done, she went back outside and to the living room.

As she enters, she saw the embers in the fireplace, some leftover dinner which was placed on a rechaud to keep it warm. Although, the two fires that kept the food warm were already out for some time. Evie smiles as she sees it though, Olivia thought about them at the very least in case they were hungry.

Evie's gaze went from the dinner table to the lounge area. On the sofa, two people were bundled up under a blanket, seemingly waiting for the return of Sarah and Evie. When she entered the room and went to them, she can't help but smile even wider. The Scotts waited patiently for them but fell asleep at some point. Both women were cozily asleep on the sofa. It is at this moment Evie realised something.

Evie was grateful to be part of this family.

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