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Babe you and Cheryl are ready to go to cheesecake factory? Yes. Cheryl and Lisa got us a table already. I was watching the people attach the business sign to Carlo and baby girls business across the street. I still cannot believe they didn't want a grant opening but respect their wishes. Babe baby girl doesn't want more attention to her. It took awhile for her to get social security and hee credit cards to change her name back to Rizzoli and she is alive. I am just glad Olivia knew to use Fox as her last name than O'Reilly or people who try to kill her. Me too. I don't want to lose her again.

We finally entered the office and found Lisa and Cheryl.
About time you two got here. Lisa we were talking about the girls or women. I am glad they decided to move in with their mothers and their rooms are done finally.

We ordered our food. We were happy we still could be around one another and it wasn't awkward. We laughed and were making plans for us all to to to Tahoe for the week for Christmas especially since the girls haven't been in awhile with all of us.

We finally finished lunch. Maura and Jane drove their vehicles across the street. We went with Maura in her suv. They told them to park by their vehicles because the inspector only wanted his vehicle in front until he was done with the inspection.

Carlo and Julianne here is your form that states it passed

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Carlo and Julianne here is your form that states it passed. I still cannot believe you paid for bullet proof widows and doors. I like how you went solar and have back up generators. Congrats and goodbye.

Olivia and the rest of the family showed up to see it finally in their personal vehicles or company vehicles.

Okay everyone come in and take a tour. We will officially open tomorrow. We can finally park our vehicles in the garage.
Baby girl and Carlo here is some champagne to toast your new business once again as partners. Thanks auntie Katelyn or cousin. Baby girl you can call me either or just Kayelyn is fine too. Thank you. Your very welcome. Carlo go ahead. Thanks baby girl.

This has been alot of work making this green and off the grid as much as possible of course we have several generators as back ups thanks to my brother, cousin Antonio and our cousins from another mother Kevin and Kelly. You all helped us so much giving your time, listening to us complain at times, cry, cuss alot and give us financial breaks for us to have this built in 8 months and completed and paid off fully. Okay - baby girl your turn.

It means alot to me that you trusted my decision to move back here, being patient and understanding if I don't recall all of my past. When Samantha reached out to Olivia and I at home in San Diego and proved to us we had family and friends here in Sacramento, San Francisco , Canada and Italy we were overwhelmed. Olivia and are still trying to get to know our extended family that are not blood related. I know the two of us still think about the years we didn't know you all existed. Thank you . All the rooms are unlocked go have fun looking.

Everyone left except for the blood relatives and their spouses or significant others.

Olivia go ahead. I want to thank everyone like Julianne said. I know I was lucky to remember my other mother and knew to change my last name to Fox and why. It's good getting to know you all again. I just wished the relatives were here in person to see us now. Olivia your mom looks down at you and never forgot about you. Thanks Joey. Your my daughter too and we missed you both big time. Next week is Christmas we usually stay here to spend it with the shelter kids and foster teens but they understand we need time alone. This is their gift to us and they asked we don't get then gifts this year. They want us to enjoy our vacation. You two seeing the cabins and the inn that Maura has and other properties in tahoe. Let's go mingle.

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