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The following morning the three of us up and gone before anyone was awake.  Julianne and Dorothy didn't want to hear it from their parents.  They left them note telling them they were be back after lunch but wouldn't over do it.

Wow this was aunties businesses yes.  As you can see Carlo has them tearing down my old office and bathroom and bedroom area. This is where I would like the sign to go with these dimensions.  You want red background with white lettering? Yes anything else. Another one by the counter.

It was recently painted. This area will soon be opening.

My mother's photo will go up there too. Okay.

A safety sign up on the wall on the left..

Cousin these people wear no protective clothing? No but do have a back brace under there shirts. Jenna and I decided to cut costs and got rid of the red shirt. Too many sizes. We listened to them saying they wanted to wear their own clothes. They signed a waiver any damaged is on them and they agrees on it. I guess my mother had them wearing overalls which was uncomfortable for them.

Okay I can have these done today.  Let's head to the restaurant so we can eat  lunch.

  Let's head to the restaurant so we can eat  lunch

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We decided to eat outside it was covered and had heating lamps

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We decided to eat outside it was covered and had heating lamps.
We all ordered chicken with a side salad with vegetables in season with hot tea.
We enjoyed our lunch. 

Olivia how about this for the safety sign.

Safety is rewarded but in Italian.  Perfect because my mother gave bonuses when they had 6 months of no incidences.  On record the longest was three years.  She gave them a nice bonus depending on how long they worked there.  The supervisors got less which they didn't take well but accepted it because they received nice bonuses at Christmas.   It sounds like your mother was introduced regarding them for good and safe work. Yes I was reading her journal she believed in giving back to her company during good years.  When they did not have good years she would just do their annual party.    This restaurant is decorated well and not over do it. I like how the staff speak several languages and have name tags  with flags what language they speak.  My auntie Katelyn said it makes customers feel more relaxed as you can see. They asked you your name and spoke to you in Italian.  I am glad I speak Italian. I almost gave them my maiden name. If you did they would have spoken it.  Each shift has one employee who can speak  a total of 45 languages.  I think this is why they do so well here and get tipped well. In addition, they have more wines and beverages from several countries.  Mind you some cost more depending where it was shipped from.

We finally made it back. Our cousins told us to get ready be spoken too and not pleasant.  Oscar and Jane weren't happy.  We just accepted it and then Dorothy and Julianne went to Deb and Jenna's office with their laptops.

The office was very simple

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The office was very simple.  Julianne responded to work emails while I worked on the graphics and had them sent to a painting company to have them done by Friday after I spoke with Carlo.  He informed me that Olivia's office would be ready but not her bedroom or bathroom. We finished.   I took a nap while my wife, Juanita , Kayelyn,  Sylvie and Piper went shopping for a BMW for Olivia when she was here. 

I think this is the one. I don't need a new one. Let me handle it and you go to another carsales person and see who can get the best offer. Carlo if u win, I don't have to pay you for your design. Oh bro she's going to win. I take the challenge.  The guys went one way and I went another way after I finished test driving it. Carlo tested it next.

We later found out they had two BMW that we made offer on. 

We dropped the BMW at the garage.

We dropped the BMW at the garage

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This is a nice garage bro. Thank you. Let's go inside. Her office is set up. Just her personal items.
We go inside.

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I explained to them what I am having done and what photos I will be putting up and when

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I explained to them what I am having done and what photos I will be putting up and when.

Nicely done Carlo and good taste I. Furniture Olivia.  Thanks Sis. Thanks Juanita.

We look at what was done so far in the bathroom and bedroom. I tell Carlo when does he think the  bathroom and bedroom will be done. He tells me Saturday.I  am glad because we leave on Monday back to the states.  One week has gone by already.

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