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Mom, dad, Maura and Jane Julianne and I went shopping. We got what we wanted and also ordered om line the fitness equipment from Sacramento. We couldn't find a reasonable fitness store here. We were talking. We appreciate you buying a us a home and wanting to decorate it all but this is going to be our home. We have decided to return tomorrow to Tahoe and get a ride back with one of the cousins. We will still take two weeks instead of one week .This will allow several days to close the deal and give us time to paint or whatever it may need on top of moving the items from Jane's parents and have the movers pick up everything off the plane.
Mom I bought Aldo a desk like before for my office. I would like my office to be the same like before. I am going to contact some of my father's military pals to see if they have any photos of just him in his uniform and of you and dad.

We discussed with one another after you called to say you would pick out furniture you might change your mind on allowing us to decorate. We were wrong for insisting on it.

Carli I will be taking an extra week off to get our home situated. Baby girl not a problem.

Everyone I hope you enjoyed dinner and dessert. We definitely did. We even left some cheese and chocolate for the house gift. Jenna and Deb thank you for everything. We hope you didn't mind us sharing. Julianne not at all ,says Jenna.

Are we staying here and having a party or going elsewhere? Here .

Olivia Fox we have someone coming by to see you in a few minutes. What did you two do? You would be the only one without a date so we contacted him. Thank you . We know you weren't ready for everyone to meet him yet. Hey we all cam be nice. Julianne told him the sleeping arrangements so he have the room with you and we will sleep elsewhere or he can sleep on an air mattress. You decide. An air mattress since this will be out first date .

Before I forget we had these made up and framed for you mom, us and Olivia. Go ahead and open them. .

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My mom and cousins starred crying when they opened them up

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My mom and cousins starred crying when they opened them up. We told anyone else who wanted them we would email them a copy and they could print it out.

Hello is this the residence where Olivia Fox is staying? Yes it I'd. Please come in. I am Deb and this is my wife Jenna. Nice to meet you. My name is Christopher Gorham.

Nice to meet you

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Nice to meet you. Please leave your luggage. Olivia a gentleman is here to see you.

Christopher enters the room where everyone us at.

Hello everyone. Christopher let me introduce to the people you don't know. I cannot believe you flew up here for the night. I am hoping you would like to stay a week if you are able to.

I look at my aunt she says yes. Jenna and Deb said we could stay with them in the same room or separate. We told them at the same time different rooms. I introduced him to everyone he hadn't met.

Everyone I brought nuts and candy fit everyone after Julianne told me how many people were here and for the hostess and wife s nice bottle of wine.

I helped Christopher pass everyone what he brought. He handed Deb the wine.

Christopher what do you do for a living? I am a financial investor. I see. Is something wrong with the wine Deb? No not at all I just didn't want you to spend alot on something if you couldn't afford it. Deb thank you for caring. I own my own business and employ several people. I met Olivia as her and Laura accounting firm handles my accounts. I didn't mean to offend you. Is that you Piper? Yes Chris. I haven't seen you since the marathon for retired officers. You two know one another? Yes Olivia. We served in different branches but once a year all the military branches have a joint marathon we jog 25 miles in Los Angeles. We haven't seen one another for several years. You two catch up. I will be back shortly.

I excused myself to use the restroom.

Everyone for dinner the Rizzoli male cousins are grilling tri tips. We will have potato salad that Jenna has to make still. Excuse me that is my cue to get in the kitchen. Jenna would you like some help? Sure Jennifer. You cam help me wash and peel the potatoes. We also having spinach salad and Jane said she would make the raspberry vinaigrette..Juanita said she make the baked beans. Izzy Is making a dessert. Let's get cooking and prepping.

Christopher come with me so you can put your luggage away. Olivia I hope this is okay for me coming? Yes. A total of three weeks is a nice vacation. I needed it.

We eventually went to the pool area to talk

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We eventually went to the pool area to talk.

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