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Babe we need to get up and take a shower than head out to the inn. I woke up earlier to tell them we weren't eating breakfast and you had a rough morning but that is it. Thanks babe. I will tell them  before we leave.

We got up and took a shower separately.  Julianne went first so she could tell our cousins about Monique. She wanted to do this alone.

Baby girl you okay? Yeah June. Thank you all for allowing us to sleep in. My mother called me this morning really early to inform me my ex fiance hung herself in jail after being arrested for cocaine.  She was for totally against taking and drugs even over the counter. Even though how I ended our engagement I still loved her for cheating on me with her business partner.  I asked Dorothy to let me tell you all alone. I am happy and sad for Christmas day. Sad because she took her own life but happy because I married my wife after only knowing her for a few days. I recall my nani always telling me when you find the right person and they ask you first don't say no. You don't know how long you will have with this special person in your life.  Mind you nani thought it would be a man but accepted my sexual orientation after u made my decision to date females.  My family I recall had difficulty in the beginning I was a lesbian with a penis but came around when they saw I was happy being me.

Dorothy comes out to join me.

I would like you all to keep this to yourselves. Allow my wife to tell others when she is ready or asks you to tell others. She us struggling with this. I know she loves me but still loved Monique and will always love Michele who married Vanessa Veracruz . She is happy that Michele finally was able to move forward with her life with men and women until she found someone who loves her. They still are getting to know one another and the three of them trusts one another to be around one another. So let's get going and enjoy  Christmas. 

The cousins all hugged my wife. They could see the pain on her face.

Julianne I think we got the last of the gifts loaded. Let's go. Babe please be you even if you want to leave to take space. Please let me know where your going alone, with me or someone else. Thanks Dorothy. 

Dorothy kisses me . I turn the alarm on and lock the interior door leading into the cabin. Julianne opens the truck door for me to get in.

Babe thanks for everything. Your welcome Julianne. I will be better mood when we get there. You be you.

Julianne kisses me than closes the passenger door. She gets in and starts her truck and turns the radio onto Christmas music. She sings to me while she is driving holding the steering well. It's no longer snowing but the roads are still slippery. We finally arrive and her mother reserved one room for us all to exchange gifts. The inn staff help us unload the gifts onto a cart. I tip them.  I run and jump into my dad's arms and hug him than my mother. 

Mom and dad this is my lovely wife who agreed to marry me.  Julianne these are my parents Maria and Oscar Lopes.

Julianne started speaking Portuguese immediately to them and they had the biggest smile knowing she spoke it well.

Julianne we are glad to finally meet the gal who has made my baby girl face light up. Daddy.  It's true sweetheart.  Your father and I haven't seen you this happy in years. Where's your ring? Mom we didn't want to one. We don't need to let strangers know we are married. Your daughter and I agreed staying up the night before just talking and watching the sunrise together talking and getting to know one better. We both know this was quick but needed to do this solely for ourselves. Family means the world to me especially when my loved ones thought my cousin Olivia and I had died and they buried someone else's remains in the Martin crpyt on the Everlasting Vineyards mansion property in Italy. My cousin and I still are going through therapy because we lost alot of our past memories.  When we woke up in the hospital we knew each other's names and we were cousins. We just didn't know anyone else. We still are gun shy about taking photos.  I wanted my wife to remember our special day as well as the day before. We took some photos.  These are for you two. We hope you understand we got married alone for us only.

We understand and respect you for signing the post nuptial contract.  We know you must truly love her for her not like her ex who only loved her for her bank account. Maria I didn't know about her inheritance . I work for what I have. She has offered but there isn't a need.  I make good money and my cousin and I recently paid the insurance company back for the money they gave our parents. Your daughter and i have told everyone we don't want wedding gifts.  We would rather have a donation made out to one or both shelters named after my uncle Vincent Korsak children's shelters in Sacramento or Italy or both. Okay we will donate 50 grand to each in both your names. Thank you Oscar. Let's go open presents.

My parents hugged her than we went inside the room with everyone else .

Babe I am sorry your exes didn't love you for you not because of your inheritance.

We exchanges gifts. Julianne and I spent over fifty grand on all of the gifts to other's.  We haven't exchanged our gifts. We gave each other price range not to go over a hundred.  I already ordered two California license plates got her vehicles. She had her lawyer to have hee license switched here as all as her insurance . She is having her parents employees to pack her stuff and shipped here a week after new years. Until then I told her she could drive one of mine to work.  I have no clue what she got me .

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