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We arrive in the parking lot by the florist shop. Lisa and I entered.

Good afternoon ladies can my partner and I help you? I am Monique and this is Simonne.  Today we are having a sale on roses.  Thank you but we have some items for you.

We both hand them the restraining orders and they read them. Simonne doesn't have a problem.

You got to be kidding you flew in a helicopter to serve my girlfriend and I.

Monique I strongly suggest you stay away from my niece. If not this business and your others properties will be mine. Who are you? I am the owner who leases these properties to you. I will sell them all and take a loss just for the hell of it. YOU ARE Katelyn Martin? Yes. We make our payments on time. I guess you didn't read your contracts well. Here is a copy of the two. I placed post it notes and highlighted areas.

Monique reads them and swings at Katelyn. Katelyn was so quick and flipped and grabbed  her by her neck and pinned her against the counter.  Their employees called the cops immediately.  They tried to say Katelyn assaulted her.

Katelyn removed her hands from hee neck but left a nice bruise before the cops arrived.

Officrs on my jacket I have a hidden camera with voice.  You can watch it all. 

Monique abs Simonne as well as their employees and customers were shocked by Katelyn and Monique's attempt to hurt Katelyn.  Katelyn was petite compared to this woman. She was all muscles and taller than any of us including Julianne .

Well Mrs . Martin would you like to press charges? No. You two ladies need to abide by the restraining order. Mrs. Martin do you want to evict them? Yes. Here is the 30 days notice.  Monique I had no intention of doing this but when you tried to assaulting me it changed. Damn it Monique.  We are not going to get a better location at this price. Now we have to look for a home and another business site. Simonne just for your information.  She called my niece last night and was willing to sell you her portion of the business and move to be with my niece.  My niece told her no and decided to follow through with a restraining order as she told her she would.  Initially , she awasn't going to include you . Monique is this true? No. Monique your a liar.  I was hoping you were going to tell me the truth.  I heard you last night. If you want to sell me your share, I will buy it. I will move out tonight Mrs.  Martin.  I will write you a check for my portion of both. Simonne your not innocent in this.  You can stay in both if you can afford both. I have restraining orders here too. This the one for the business.  Monique us to stay away from this building 700 ft effective now.  I hand it to her. Miss Bailey you are to get your items and leave immediately. Officers this is my business.  I just read the contract that your business partner gave me. You violated it. Mrs. Martin has every right to ban you from hee property.

Monique tries to hit Lisa.  Lisa breaks her jaw when blocking her hit. She tells the officers it's self defense.  They personally know Lisa.

Miss Bailey you should never tried to do that. Mrs. Harris could of easily killed you or paralyzed you permanently.  She is a highly regarded in her field and is a black belt. Mrs  .Harris would you like to press  charges? Only if she doesn't sell her portion of the business to Ms.  Kluznic. This us black mail. No its not. It states in your  contract.  You obviously didn't understand nor have a lawyer read it. No I didn't bit Simonne did.  I told you Monique  certain clauses not to do and you blew several today and for several months . I broke one clause but she isn't implementing mine. 

Lisa hands her a pen and signs it  . Monique tells her she will have a money deposited in her personal account today..Monique gets her stuff. Simonne thanks Katelyn and I . The officers asks us three to come down to the station now. Simonne offers to drive us.  We tell the pilot we would be back in two hours maximum.
We leave with Simonne.   Lisa sends Jane,, Avery the two judges who signed the restraining order and Julianne a copy of the video separately.

They responded to me write a way via text to me. They laughed and agreed Katelyn played it well and was cool.  Julianne was surprised about my strength.   They thanked me. Julianne and Jane both asked me to thank Lisa.

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