20. VS Sweet Perfumes 2

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Arabella sighed in relief. This dumbass wasn't immune at all... she was totally head over heels! But still, there was some kind of power in her... Arabella realized she could use this.

"I love you too, sweetie... what's your name?"

Whether because of the 'I love you too' or the 'sweetie', Wren was completely flustered.

"W- Wren..."

"Well, I'm Arabella! And, my little Wren..." Arabella looked around the store shiftily. There were 3 other people in there, all also staring at her, lovestruck. She decided to see what Wren could do, and also just be a little prick.

"My little Wren, these people are all looking at me... trying to steal me from you!" she said, putting on the damsel in distress act.

Wren felt ignited with rage. Steal her? HER LOVE? Wren was already planning their wedding in her mind, and these guys... all so UNWORTHY... were doing the same!?

She flung out an aggressive pointing finger at the group.

"All of you motherfuckers stay the hell away from my fiance! Or... I'll kill you!"

The shoppers grunted angrily, and Arabella giggled to herself. 'Fiance? Oh wow...' she thought. Wren was a little more prone to impulse and emotion than others, to say the least...

Arabella came up behind Wren again, putting a hand on her chest and whispering into her ear; "It's ok, my little Wren. Let's ditch these losers."

At Arabella's touch, Wren's rage disintegrated. After all, she said it was ok, and her word was gospel! Quite literally, as well. Arabella was a goddess, and Wren was lucky to be selected by her. Arabella then took Wren's hand and dragged her out of the store, her soul having left her body and entered ecstasy and nirvana the moment their hands touched.


"Oh wow. She moves on fast. Good for her..." BM muttered to himself. Yeah, he was watching her. Do you really think he'd let Wren go anywhere alone? Even under supervision, she has yet to make a particularly responsible choice.

BM considered revealing himself to be introduced, but realized that that might interfere with the two's date, so kept his distance.


"Ok, my little Wren... I must be honest with you! I have been wronged! DEEPLY! The crimes committed against me are truly horrific!"


Arabella smiled.

"You'd do that for me? Really? Well... first, I need you to prove it to me!"

"Anything! I'll do anything!"

"I need you to... buy me that necklace!"

Arabella said this and pointed to a shop window, where a golden necklace containing a shimmering gemstone glistened in the light as it laid lazily upon a purple satin pillow like it was royalty.

Now, Arabella was entirely aware that she had already stolen all of Wren's money. She was just fucking around at this point. Who knows? Maybe she'd steal it for her. That'd be hot.

Wren stormed into the jewelry store, demanding the necklace in the window 'for her fiance'. Yes, they had met 10 minutes ago, but love (and heavy dosages of drug spores) makes you crazy, I guess.

Though she didn't look the type, the store owner fetched the necklace for Wren anyway, slightly afraid of her.

"That'll be £370, please."

Wren plunged her hand into her pocket, and pulled out... nothing.

"Um... I can't afford that."

"Ah. Well, I do love a good bargain," the store owner said, "whaddya got? £360? £355?"


"Get out of my store."

Wren exited the store, rejected yet again, and laid down spread eagle on the middle of the pavement. It wasn't raining, but she imagined it was. That'd be cinematic, and an accurate representation of how she was feeling right now.

Arabella laid down next to her.

"It's ok, my little Wren!"

"No! It's not... I'm useless, I'm so bad at this! I'm never gonna be in love... because you don't love me back! How are you meant to? I can't even get you a necklace... you're gonna leave me! Please don't... don't leave me..."

"No, no! My little Wren, it's ok! Normally, I would buy the necklace, you see. But I don't have the money! And even though you didn't either... you still went in there and fought for me, like a valiant knight! MY valiant knight..."

Wren felt revitalized from this.

"So I proved myself? Tell me about the crime and wrongs and shit! Let me avenge you, my love!"

"Well, my little Wren, you see... the bank stole all my money! It's to complicated and economical for me to explain... but come with me! You are going to help me get if back!"

"Of course I will!"


'Huh, that's weird. Who lies down on the sidewalk? Gross...' BM thought to himself. Still, Wren was a little weird, but that girl laid down next to her, which was pretty cute. Best not ruin their fun...


They stood outside the bank.

"I can't believe they'd take your money... how do you want me to get it back, Arabella?"

"Well, you're gonna need to use these... and just go tell them to give you everything! I can't really remember how much they took, anyway..."

With no hesitation, Wren donned the balaclava Arabella had just handed her, and readied the gun (not a real gun. C'mon, Wren would never. And even if it was? That bitch clueless as hell! She can't use a gun). She had seen enough heist movies to know what to do!


"Ah, shit. That's not good. Very bad... very bad!"

BM ran over to Wren and Arabella.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let's, uh, not do that. Y'know, rob this bank. Probably not a good idea." he reasoned cautiously.

"BM? You were following me?" Wren asked.

BM sighed.

"I'm sorry, Wren. I know you wanted to go about this alone, and I was gonna let you, if you kept yourself safe... and this, is very not safe!" he explained, before turning to Arabella, "And what's your deal? Why are you making her rob a bank? HOW are you making her rob a bank?"

"Whatever, old man. You wouldn't get it."

With that, Arabella emitted small, pink, glittery spores, that spread through the air in a cloud around the 3 of them. BM noticed strangers passing by through the cloud turn their heads to admire Arabella.

"Ah... an ability! You know, you should come with me! I have a facility, with l-"

"EW! No way... that sounds super weird and gross, man. Wait, why aren't you lovestruck? Ah, fuck. You're asexual, aren't you? Fuck me. I can't catch a break..."

BM just shrugged, before Arabella grunted, and sprinted away, further into town. Wren started after her, but BM grabbed her and held her back. She screamed and writhed wildly for about 20 seconds before the spores wore off, when she fell limply into BM's arms.

"You ok?" he asked.

"No! I'm awful and I hate everything... and girls suck!"

"Ooooook... let's, uh, get you back home, yeah? Then we can talk about it more."

Wren sniffled and nodded, but was still thinking about Arabella. She literally had a fiance, and still hadn't kissed a girl yet. Wait, no, she never had a fiance either. Damn it...

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