83. The Earth Points Skyward

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Mint stepped into Cece's hospital room, falling into a chair with a sigh. She'd been getting better sleep since she left Jewel, which annoyingly seemed to make her MORE tired. Still, it eased her pains and paranoia, so it was a begrudgingly welcome tradeoff.

Her eyes seemed glued to the floor, but eventually wandered up to Cece. It was... strange. Mint couldn't help but feel reminded of the nights she'd spent sat by her daughter Mia's side as her illustrious soul faded into the murky depths of whatever lay on the other side of death. The hospital lights buzzed less, the room wasn't as stuffy, but the air hung just the same. Hospitals were places where the strong went to get weaker and the weak went to die.

The one thing that had truly brought Mint comfort during the process of Mia's slow exit was talking to her as if she were still there, still listening, even when reason told her that she wasn't.

And so Mint stood again, and leaned over the edge of Cece's bed. She was a pretty little thing, and despite how small and weak she looked now, there was something about her that told Mint all about how strongly she could hold up in the name of supporting the people she loved. She smiled. That wasn't something that should be stolen from this life, not yet.

"Everyone back 'home' is bein' so strong lately." Mint whispered to her softly, "I haven't been there long. But I can tell that they're findin' it a lot harder to be strong without you showin' em how."

Hesitantly, Mint broke her gaze from Cece's eyes.

"Your brother especially. He's been up to no good... he's really goin' through it. I promise, we've been tryin' to help him, but..." She looked back up at her, rubbing her shoulder maternally, "...he needs you."

Mint waited for a second or two, hoping that somehow, someway, Cece would just magically wake up. But of course... it didn't happen. She sighed and hung her head. She wasn't ready to lie to Rebound about his sister's condition improving. Honestly, she wasn't sure she could say it at all! But BM had seemed so sure that everyone had to be out, any means necessary.

Bright white light with a faint blue tint danced across the floor by the window as the curtains fluttered.

Completely enthralled in the beauty of it, Mint stared, slowly forming an idea, a hail mary.

"When I was in a bad way," she spoke up, thinking of her second fight with the knight at Jewel Street, "an old friend gave me a little much needed strength and courage."

As she said it, Mint wandered over to the curtains and spread them open wide. She basked in the soft silver light of the full moon as it rolled over her like soft waves or velvet sheets, before standing back to allow the light to wash over Cece. Unfortunately, whilst the window was conveniently west-facing, the moon was too high in the sky for the light to reach her just yet.

Turning back to her seat, Mint stopped momentarily, taking Cece's hand and squeezing it kindly.

"Please..." she muttered, "please wake up."

Her wish made, Mint fell limp in her chair to pass through the night.


A sudden creak awoke Mint. After years in Jewel Street, even the slightest shuffle would stir her from her slumber - but this was something more.

Cece was now sat upright in her bed.

Mint watched in stunned silence as a pale blue light glowing from under her skin seemed to run down her body, shining through her eyes, down her skin, to her toes and fingertips - before she formed into a thin beam, shooting straight up through the ceiling and leaving her bed empty.

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