87. Survivor

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Wren fell forward off of the tower. Her scorched body fell limp as she did. She felt so... weak...

Under DV's control, she'd wiped out BM, Dominic, and almost Robin, and now she couldn't even hold up against one opponent. She was useless!

In retrospect, she'd never truly won a fight without someone else's help. And here she was pitting herself up against one of the biggest threats the compound had seen yet...

Wren felt like giving up.

She felt like just falling, and if she survived, she'd run away. But that damn barrier... no matter what happened to her, Robin was still in here. No matter what happened, dying would just be a month or two lost over years already gone. No matter what happened, DV would win.

The air rushing up into her face, Wren's eyes burst open, and she reached out and grabbed at the wall. If the only outcome was death... she was gonna make this bitch bleed on her way out!

Wren's fingers found a gap between planks, and she clung to it, bringing herself to a halt. Massive tendrils shot out and pierced the wall around her as DV scrambled up the wall to attack - but the second she reached Wren, both girls were thrown back by a massive blast.

Shocked, DV fell back from the wall, but had no time to process what was happening before more did; Wren plunged towards her, slamming her feet into her chest as she launched herself down.

The black flames erupted from DV once more, but now Wren threw her hand straight into them towards her face, ready to kill! The only thing that saved DV was a last second tendril shooting from her chest and flinging Wren back into the tower.

Wren smashed through the brittle wooden walls, rolling to the other side of the room. Before she knew it she was back on her feet, and leapt over the hole in the middle of the room from where she had chased DV up the tower.

But mid-jump, the tendril shot back through the hole that Wren had just launched through. But this time, it was different - it seemed to be tipped with black flames, dripping them like fluid...

And that was the last thing Wren saw before everything went dark. No... not dark. She couldn't see anything at all, not even nothing! It felt like the difference between having a black piece of card held in front of you and standing in the center of a pitch-black cavern; both equally dark, but one so, so much emptier than the other.

Completely disoriented, Wren stumbled forward as her feet just barely cleared the gap. She fell, hard, and crushed her wrist with her head as she failed to catch herself. It was a horrible feeling - she pulled her eyelids open, open wide, but still nothing. It was like having a dead limb that refused to wake up...

The sound of something touching down on the floor in front of her sent her scrambling back as far as she could, clutching the rim of the hole with her hands.

Over the next few seconds, there was nothing. Near complete silence, all except for arbitrary creaking of planks around her. Must be the wind... was the tower always creaking like that? Wren's hands tightened nervously on the hole's edge. The planks felt so much coarser, particularly on the more splintery spots, they even felt like velcro!

"Boo." whispered a voice, directly behind her ear.

Wren jolted forward with a scream, dashing to her feet and quickly balancing herself. She couldn't see where she was, but with all the holes in this room... she had to watch her step.

She felt a poke on her forehead. Swiftly, Wren swiped at it, but found nothing; DV just giggled quietly at the miss. She was toying with her... enough! Wren could fight this, she knew it.

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