75. Life After Bleeding Pt 2

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"It's weird, seeing her so quiet..."

Ben grunted in agreement with Nicki's statement. The room had a pretty thick, sad atmosphere, and he had no words that could cut through it.

BM, who had left just a moment earlier, rushed back into the room.

"I've got to go, now. Back to the compound. I'm sorry, but can you two stay with Cece tonight?"

Nicki looked down awkwardly; as much as they cared about Cece, dark atmospheres like this weren't their scene.

"I'll watch her." Ben chimed in, turning to Nicki, "You go. Maybe let Wren blow you up for a bit, or something."

With a quick appreciative smile and thanks, Nicki followed BM out the door.


Wren laid back on the medical bed, trying to control her breathing.

Her shirt was pulled up to her chest as Robin used some strange machine to check her internals, the scanner hovering ticklishly above her skin. They were really checking for everything...

"Yep. Looks good." Robin said, putting the scanner down. But Wren could barely catch her breath before she felt another presence on her stomach.

Robin gently trailed a finger over a large scar that ran across Wren's midriff. Straining herself against flinching, Wren pushed her head back as far as it could force it's way into the pillow of the medical bed.

"W- where do you think I- I got that one?" Wren stumbled out between stifled breaths.

"Not deep... looks quite old... but not as old as this one." Robin replied, reaching up and tapping the small scar on the edge of Wren's jaw.

From her touch, Wren was noticeably flustered, which got a sweet giggle from Robin. But as she thought about it... Wren's mood dropped.

All these unexplainable scars from her past, on her face, stomach, and especially across her shoulders - not only did it remind her how little she knew herself, but it made her feel something worse.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked, noticing Wren's face fall.

"Well... in all the movies, none of the pretty girls have scars like mine. I mean, a lot of the cool guys do, and I like that, I wanna be cool. But... I kinda wanna be like both."

As Wren looked away awkwardly, she felt Robin take her hand.

"That's cos movies suck with things like that. And... cos scars are saved for all the coolest people, like you."

Wren returned a general noise of acceptance, but Robin could tell she was still feeling off.

With a sigh, Robin pulled a wristband up her arm, bringing a thin layer of fake, plant-made skin with it. Underneath were the deep scars scratched across her wrist, which she held out in front of Wren.

"I have scars too, see? You still think I'm pretty?"

Wren smiled, and her eyes lit up to match her now true acceptance of Robin's point - and something about it felt extra personal, extra special.

"Of course I do..." Wren murmured girlishly.

Robin put her hands on Wren's warm, red cheeks.

"Exactly. And I think you're pretty, too!"

Giggling, Wren composed herself, tenderly holding Robin's wrists.

"So, where'd you get these?" she inquired. But Robin just pulled her wrists away, and replied;

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