26. Wren and BM's Interrogation Tactics Handbook!

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The following is a log of notes scrawled on a crumpled piece of notepad paper. Judging by one set of handwriting's barely legible scrawling and thinly-veiled desire for bloodshed, it appears to be Wren's. The other set, immaculately and eloquently written, appears to be BM's.

W: BM says there's three ways to get info from someone! I mean... I would just torture them, like in movies. But I'm not allowed to do that! So instead I'm just gonna play bad cop! Which is... cool too... I guess.

B: Torture is wrong. We are not cops. I do not know why I am letting Wren help me with this. But that first part is correct, I have devised three main categories:

1. Trade them

B: Offering your subject something in return is a good motivator. This could be buying their knowledge, dissuading empty threats, or even small things like getting on their good side with warm hospitality!

W: You could also do the opposite! Beat them up if they don't tell you!

B: Please do not harm your subject.

2. Trick them

B: Sometimes people will tell the truth without even realizing it! There's hundreds of psychological tricks that you can employ to get this to happen... one of my favourites is called the 'feedback loop', where you get your subject to keep answering what they think are the same questions, but shifting slightly each time to get them to tell you more and more! It's very interesting to use...

W: My favourite trick is the one where I say I'm gonna kill them if they don't tell me everything! See, it's a trick because BM wouldn't really let me...

B: I mean, sure. Threaten them if you think it'll work... just remember that you have to be moral, even to bad guys.

3. Test them

B: This one is quite cruel sometimes, so remember to only use it as a last case scenario. But if all else fails, try testing them! Their willpower, their patience...

W: Their pain tolerance!

B: Only for REALLY important info. But yes, leave them to stew in the consequences... is their silence really worth it? Maybe they should say something... one of the other guys probably has already. They're gonna say something!


(This section seems to be rudely scribbled over by Wren, the little asshole. BM writes underneath, 'Don't be too harsh!' to which Wren seems to have responded, '>:)) KILL YOUR PRISONER!!!'

It appears a long discussion was had after the writing of this handbook.)

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