88. Got the Murder Jollies

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DV sucked air into her lungs as the portal closed behind her.

It felt good, to breathe air that wasn't smoke and sawdust; she found herself in the bottom level of an underground stairwell, walls painted a pristine white, the shiny bar railings holding glass panes. It was a big upgrade from where she'd been spending her time lately.

"I like the new B.O.O." she stated, but her associate ignored her.

"Let's get our story straight." he returned, equally as blankly.

"Clean. They're dead, Twig's dead."

"The girl?"

"Wren's dead too."

A silence fell over the pair, only interrupted by the filling buzz of the fluorescent beam lights above.

"...is she?" the man asked.

"She is. Your barrier'll last, hm?" DV turned away, beginning to walk up the stairs. "That's what I thought." Stopping to think, she turned back to him. "Oh, and we'll say it was no trouble. My injuries are because I got a little carried away. None of the blood is mine."

DV tried to continue up the stairs, but was disturbed by her colleague's refusal to follow.

"Yknow," he said, "you can leave loose ends, but don't expect them to tie themselves up."

In a burst of rage, DV turned and flung her leg out at the glass of the banister, shattering it with a kick.

"Fucking christ, Ellis, get off my ass!" she howled.

"Something on your mind?"

Without response, DV continued up the stairwell. 3 floors up, she shoved through a heavy door and wandered into a small bar. The whole room was just as white as the stairwell, to a sickeningly surgical and soulless degree. The only atmosphere was created by somewhat uninteresting paintings and wall deco at the far end of the room, and slow rock playing faintly over speakers somewhere else in the building. At the long bar table, only one stool was filled.

"Well?" Vertigo asked.

Still in a huff, DV stormed over to seat herself in the stool next to him, grabbing a pint glass of something clear. She took a deep gulp, screwing up her face slightly.

"What is this?" she asked breathily. Vertigo smiled.

"Lime and soda."

Refusing to give him the pleasure, DV didn't even look at him as she pushed the glass away, letting out a long, frustrated sigh.

"Is she dead?" Vertigo pried.

"It went well."

"Is she?"

DV scoffed, infuriated.

"No, of course not. I asked her to leave, nicely!"

Sighing, Vertigo lowered his head into his hands. DV liked to think her power over people extended past her ability... but she was so unconvincing. Sarcasm? Really? She couldn't just lie about something, she'd become a whole new person when she tried.

"I'll deal with her tonight. It'd be best to hit them again when they're recovering." Vertigo looked over at her cautiously. "They... they do need to recover, right?"

"Yes." DV hissed, rubbing her temples, "But do try to finish it this time. You're 0 for 2 dealing with her."

Vertigo laughed.

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