28. Man For The Job

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AR had obviously lived a very lonely life. Even as a gang leader, he didn't care for loyalty as much as he did finding the people that killed his parents. Friends were put last in his priorities time and time. He had a one-track mind, and spent most of his life not even thinking about himself.

But at the compound, things were different. He had friends! Cece and Nick were so much fun to be around, Dom, Wren and Tenson were so weirdly lovable, and having BM around meant that AR could finally rest knowing someone else had the steering wheel ever since his street mentor had left him to fend for himself! He was finally leaving that part of his life behind...

Which is why it hit him like a ton of bricks when BM asked him to go back.

"I understand that this might be a horrible thing to ask. But if anyone knows the gangs of Jewel Street, it's you. We... we need someone on the inside. But if you're not comfortable with this, just say the word. Don't be too brave here."

It was like a weight that he had finally shrugged off after his whole life had come smashing right back down on him, and he had to let it crush him all over again. And after this glimpse of hope...

"Twig's men are based somewhere up there, see. And I wish I could take this on for you, but... the people there know me as a target now, and nobody would question you returning. But listen; if this is going to be traumatic for you, please, PLEASE do not accept this mission. You deserve comfort and safety just as much, if not more than Twig deserves to be brought to justice."

AR's head hung heavy, grieving this kind little insight into a happy life lost. He knew he had to take on this mission. He was the man for the job. And so, solemnly, he nodded his head.


AR looked at his packed bags, and felt that melancholy feeling of leaving something behind. He knew this day would come, somehow. Life was never kind to him. He was just glad he was leaving on a high note - more control of his power, and friends and a home to return to in the case of his unlikely survival.

Hungry, he headed to the kitchen. Food at Jewel Street... wasn't exactly the best. He was a simple man, ok? You'd miss BM's cooking too. On his way, he heard Wren and Lewis talking in the medbay, and felt... guilty. He and Wren had become decently close friends, and leaving her so suddenly felt bad. He sighed, and knocked on the doorway of the medbay.

Inside, he saw Lewis leaning over Wren. 'Damn,' he thought to himself, 'did I just blueball her? This is why I don't do goodbyes...'.

"Hey, could I speak to Wren real quick?"

Despite Lewis's reluctance to let her go, Wren hopped off of the bed, and ran over to AR. Out in the hallway, she looked up at him. She was... excited to talk to him. It made him feel really guilty...

"Well... I wasn't gonna see anyone first - I hate goodbyes. But I..." he trailed off, hating the rest of his sentence.

Wren's face dropped suddenly.

"You're... leaving? Wh... why? Why can't you stay here? You're leaving!?" she asked, hurt, and slowly getting angrier.

AR pulled her into a big hug, which she returned tightly.

"It's a mission. I gotta do it... I'll come back!"

"What if... what if I fight you, and you have to stay so we can treat your injuries?" Wren sniffled.

AR laughed softly.

"With your track record? You'll get way more fucked up than me!"

"Whatever... I got you to stay."

"Yeah... you did. You really did." AR consoled her, before pulling away and putting his hands on her shoulders, and bringing himself to level with her, "but I've gotta go now. I'm just gonna grab some food first, then I'm outta here."

Wren hit him in an emotional outburst.

"Asshole! You were gonna leave without saying goodbye..."

"Nuh uh. Not true... I left everyone a note."

"Oh... well... what does mine say?"

"You'll have to read it!"

She hit him again.

"Asshole! You know I hate reading..."

AR laughed, and ruffled Wren's hair.

"Never change, kid." he said, before leaving for the kitchen, and leaving Wren fighting back tears in the hallway.

It wasn't soon after that he came back out. The food wasn't as good when it felt like a last meal. The whole thing just tasted a bit sad, really.

He found Wren still waiting in the hallway, holding her half and half bomber jacket.

"Hey, AR... you said this looked cool, right?"

"Yeah, man. I like your style, you know that."

"Well... I want you to have it, and wear it. Like a keepsake, to keep you safe."

AR just stared at her for a second.

"Look, that's sweet and all, but... that is just way too small for me. And are you kidding? That's pretty much your only clue into your past! Keep that, dumbass! Besides..." he said, gesturing to the medbay, "your girlfriend in there's probably gonna wanna steal it off you at some point."

Wren giggled bittersweetly, and found that she was unable to stop herself from throwing herself at AR for a final hug. She held him tight, but eventually, reluctantly, had to let go. She peered round the corner of the hangar as AR was leaving, and saw him turn back and send her a two finger salute before getting in the car with BM. Silently, and letting the tears stream freely now, she sent one back, and headed back to her room.

On the way, she passed his room, with the door open and the light on. It was completely vacant apart from a pile of notes on the bed. Wren picked up one titled with her name, and wiped the tears from her eyes to read it as she walked back to her room.

'Hey Wren,

I have no idea how to write notes. Don't tell the others that!

I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for showing up at my base one day, blowing away my gang, and strategically removing one of your own limbs in some elaborate method of convincing me to join the compound. It was a truly incredible display of skill.

I swear, every time I see you, or talk to you, or hear about you, you just keep getting cooler. I like your style, kid. You're gonna do great things.

And hey, let me know if you find out anything super cool and deep and dark about your past, ok? I wanna hear all about it, Batman.

Anyway, it's been real. Thanks for that.

See ya, kid.
- AR / Metal / Ben

As she finished the note, Wren fell to her bed, and curled up hugging it tight to her body. But she didn't cry this time... she felt weirdly happy. She didn't know it yet, but as she drifted off to sleep, she had emotionally matured. She allowed herself to look back on the best parts of a gone era instead of wallowing in the grief of loss. AR HAD been there. And it was nice.

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